Sunday, August 15, 2021

Humans are Slaves to Sense Pleasures & Joel Fuhrman on Heart Disease

Stanford University did a Study Comparing People Eating Beyond Meat vs. Meat Eaters: In Gardner’s study, the researchers observed that participants who ate the red-meat diet during the first eight-week phase had an increase in TMAO, while those who ate the plant-based diet first did not. But something peculiar happened when the groups switched diets. Those who transitioned from meat to plant had a decrease in TMAO levels, which was expected. Those who switched from plant to meat, however, did not see an increase in TMAO.
“It was pretty shocking; we had hypothesized that it wouldn’t matter what order the diets were in,” Gardner said. It turns out that there are bacterial species responsible for the initial step of creating TMAO in the gut. These species are thought to flourish in people whose diets are red-meat heavy, but perhaps not in those who avoid meat.
“So for the participants who had the plant-based diet first, during which they ate no meat, we basically made them vegetarians, and in so doing, may have inadvertently blunted their ability to make TMAO,” he said. Whether this type of approach could be used as a strategy for decreasing cardiovascular disease risk remains to be seen.
Beyond TMAO
Outside of TMAO, health benefits conveyed from plant-based alternatives extended to weight and levels of LDL cholesterol — or “bad” cholesterol. No matter which diet was first, participants’ levels of LDL cholesterol dropped on average 10 milligrams per deciliter, which is not only statistically significant, but clinically significant too, Gardner said. In addition, participants lost 2 pounds, on average, during the plant-based portion of the diet.
“The modest weight loss observed when participants substituted the plant-based meats in place of the red meats is an unexpected finding, since this was not a weight-loss study,” Crimarco said. “I think this indicates the importance of diet quality. Not all highly processed foods are created equal.”
Gardner hopes to continue studying the relationship between health and plant-based meat alternatives, particularly as it pertains to changes in the microbiome. Gardner said he’s also interested in expanding his research into diet patterns overall. “Maybe next we’ll look at a combination of dietary factors on health — perhaps alternative meat combined with alternative dairy products,” he said.
Other Stanford authors of the study are postdoctoral scholars Sparkle Springfield, PhD, and Priya Fielding-Singh, PhD; study coordinators Christina Petlura and Taylor Streaty; biostatisticians Kristen Cunanan, PhD, and Justin Lee, MPH; graduate students Matthew Carter and Hannah Wastyk; research assistant Madeline Topf; senior research scientist Erica Sonnenburg, PhD; and associate professor of microbiology and immunology Justin Sonnenburg, PhD


Joel Fuhrman MD is a World-class expert on Curing and Reversing ailments. He uses what the calls the Nutritarian Diet.              



I have been practicing medicine for over 33 years and I have treated virtually every type of chronic illness common to the developed world. In my efforts to help people restore their health, I have tried almost every type of test and medical treatment available. But in all my years I have seen only one form of treatment work consistently and, quite often, even miraculously.
This approach has been effective even when all other medical therapies have failed. Patients whose doctors have given up on them – who are told there are no more drugs or operations that might save them – have restored their health using this singular approach.

The McDougall Diet Basics
  • A diet of plant foods, including whole grains and whole-grain products (such as pasta, tortillas, and whole-grain bread), and a wide assortment of  vegetables and fruit.
  • Plenty of spices and usually small amounts of sugar and salt to enhance the flavor of food.
  • Exercise as simple as a daily walk.
  • The exclusion of animal foods, including red meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, and fish – all of which provide toxic levels of fat, cholesterol, protein and, very often, infectious agents and harmful chemicals.
  • The exclusion of all oils including olive oil, safflower oil, and corn oil. Oils are nothing more than liquid fats that increase obesity, which in turn, depresses immune function and contributes to the most common chronic diseases. - Dr. John McDougall

I’m cool with it 🤷🏾‍♀️ An animal didn’t have to die for this meal. If folks want to wean off of meat in this way, why not - even if it’s just an option they try a couple times a month, overtime it helps. It’s also not my business how other people approach veganism or plant based eating. Did an animal die for this meal? No? Ok great! 

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