Wednesday, March 11, 2020



Lama Zopa Rinpoche Recites the Long and Short Namgyalma Mantras - FPMT




1.) 17th Karmapa chants the Medicine Buddha Mantra

2.) Kalu Rinpoche Chants Mantra to Benefit and Liberate

3.) Liberation Upon Hearing: Oral Transmission

4.) Chenrezig Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum

5.) Golden Light Sutra in Portland Oregon (Audio) by Kabje
Lama Zopa Rinpoche:

6.) Receive the Oral Transmission of The Sutra of Golden Light:

7.) Sanghata Sutra & Vajra Cutter Sutra

8.) Stainless Pinnacle Mantra Audio Transmission - by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

10.) Circumambulating Stupas Creates Unbelievable Merit

11.) Great Prayer Wheel: Land of Medicine Buddha

12.) Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Advice for Helping Animals

13.) Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Avoid Killing Animals

14.) Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Advice on Helping Animals & Pets

15.) Lama Zopa Rinpoche: On Being Vegetarian & Why Great Masters Eat meat

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Everyone reading this essay knows of someone who has contracted cancer, heart disease, diabetes or arthritis. Everyone, including the media, is interested in a cure for cancer. The media lavishes attention on finding a breast cancer cure, early detection and treatment options. Conspicuously absent is a focus on the very significant role of diet and nutrition in both preventing and treating cancer.

Aren't dietary and lifestyle reforms at least as important as finding a cancer cure? Certainly, we can and should choose a diet and lifestyle that minimizes our risk of contracting cancer and other degenerative diseases. The wise cancer patient will chose a diet and mode of living that maximizes her ability to fight cancer.

Studies have shown that vegetarians have much less cancer ( 50% less ) than nonvegetarians. The link between higher fat consumption and the increasing occurrence of common cancers has been known for years. We also know that the link between fat and breast cancer is also well established because breast tumors are fueled by estrogens. Women who eat a plant-based, low fat diet can quickly drop their estrogen level.

A National Cancer Institute report stated that vegetables and fruits protect against cancers if consumed in large enough quantities. Hundreds of scientific studies have determined this. Research indicates that raw vegetables contain the most powerful anti-cancer ingredients of all foods. And beans, including soy, have added anti-cancer benefits protecting against reproductive cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer.

The "Mayo Clinic Book of Alternative Medicine" states: "It's hardly news that vegetables and fruits are good for you. People who typically eat generous helpings of vegetables and fruits run a lower risk of developing the leading killers of American adults: cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes."- page 28

Alicia Silverstone mentions in her book "The Kind Mama" the considerable negative effects of consuming dairy products. Dairy is strongly implicated in such diseases as MS, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, and scleroderma. - page 24

The Arthritis Foundation lists 8 common foods - including dairy and saturated fat - that cause inflammation. Visit:

Plant-Based Diet Promoted Unanimously at Major Cardiology Conference: Feb. 2020

In his book "Eat to Live," Dr. Joel Fuhrman explains: "Research shows that those who avoid meat and dairy have lower rates of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. The data is conclusive: vegetarians live longer in America, probably a lot longer. Remember, long-term vegans almost never get heart attacks." To quote a respected authority, William Castelli, M.D., director of the famed Framingham Heart Study: "We tend to scoff at vegetarians, but they're actually doing much better than we are. Vegans have cholesterol levels so low, they almost never get heart attacks."

Coronary artery disease and its end result - heart attacks, the leading killer of American men and women - is almost 100 percent preventable. Cholesterol levels can de decreased by reducing both saturated fat and animal protein while eating more plant protein.

Dr. Fuhrman explains in his book "Fasting and Eating for Health" that it cannot be denied that vegetarian populations live longer and healthier lives than meat-eating populations. Not only does the epidemiologic evidence from around the globe point to this, but also the studies on healthy vegetarian populations show that there is a significant survival advantage when animal foods are eliminated from the diet.

He continues, "Studies comparing vegetarians to nonvegetarian groups show much less cancer among vegetarians, especially those avoiding dairy products. Whenever we look at populations who consume high levels of fruits and vegetables, we find reduced levels of cancer and disease in general. Just as heart disease and cancers are strongly related to a high consumption of animal foods, the same can be said of autoimmune illnesses and osteoporosis. Multiple studies have linked osteoporosis not to low calcium intake, but to diets high in protein, salt, refined sugar, caffeine, and phosphorous contained in soft drinks."

"Beat Diabetes Naturally" - by Michael Murray, ND & Michael  Lyon, MD states:

Page 109) Study after study confirms this truth: A higher intake of meat and other animal products increases your risk of every major chronic degenerative condition, including 
diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Many reasons account for this: Meat lacks the antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect people from cancer. It also contains lots of saturated fat and potential harmful substances such pesticide residues, heterocyclic amines, and polycyclic hydrocarbons, which are created when meat is grilled, fried or broiled. The more well - done the meat, the higher level of amines it contains.


Pg. 32) Dr. Dean Ornish, M.D., the California cardiologist who has demonstrated reversal of coronary disease on a program of very low fat vegetarian food, stress reduction, and group support calls Dr. Atkins "irresponsible." "It's a great way to sell books to tell people that
steaks and eggs are health foods, but they're not, " he says.

The Pritkin Institute, brainchild of the late entrepreneur Nathan Pritkin, puts people with high blood pressure, heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, and other chronic diseases on diets with no more than 10 percent of total calories as fat and gets many good results. Pritkin meals emphasize grains, vegetables, fruits and moderate amounts of low-fat preparations of fish and chicken. The institute teaches that fat is the root of all evil, and that the ideas of Atkins and Motignac are dangerous.


In his book "Power Aging," Gary Null states that high - protein diets are dangerous for cardiovascular health. It is true that a person can lose weight on these diets, but the price they pay is this: flooding your body with toxic protein can increase your LDL cholesterol, your homocysteine, your fibrinogen, and your C - reactive protein. When you have an elevated C - reactive protein level, you increase the chances of a deadly heart attack by up to 500 percent, and of a stroke by up to 700 percent.

What is the point of losing a few pounds on a high - protein diet and then die of a heart attack while on the diet. What is the point to losing weight but increasing inflammatory processes, flooding the body with antibiotics and growth - stimulating hormones and toxic debris, all the while putting an unnecessary burden on the liver and kidneys? - from "Power Aging" by Gary Null

Kathy Freston writes in her book "The Lean" that Dr. W. Anderson, professor of medicine and clinical nutrition at the University of Kentucky, said this about the Atkins diet: On Atkins, "people lose weight, at least in the short term. But this is absolutely the worst diet you could imagine for long - term obesity, heart disease, and some forms of cancer." Dr. Anderson noted in 1999 that there were 18 million diabetics in this country, and 55 million people with high blood pressure (those numbers have greatly increased since 1999).

"These people can have kidney problems, and high protein intake will bring them on faster," Anderson said. He explained that the diet is thrombogenic, which means the fat will tend to form lipid particles in your blood after meals, and that could lead to blood clots, meaning heart attacks or stroke. "We worry about this because many of the people who love these diets are men aged 40 to 50, who like their meat. They may be 5 years from their first heart attack." - From the book "The Lean" – by Kathy Freston
THE END of HEART DISEASE - by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Page 132) Promoting the view that foods rich in saturated fat, such as meat, butter, and cheese, are harmless requires ignoring an overwhelming amount of evidence linking increased meat consumption to a higher risk of death.

It also requires ignoring much additional evidence showing that saturated fat - rich meals impair endothelial function, raise cholesterol, and lead to populations with higher rates of both heart disease and cancer.

Those who support these false claims have not scrutinized all the evidence on this topic or have allowed their judgement to be impaired by cognitive biases. Plus, multiple international studies now show that heart disease not only can be prevented, but can also be reversed by avoiding animal products. In contrast, not one study shows that the reversal of plaque or elimination of cardiac deaths is possible with a diet high in animal products. Don't believe in fairy tales.

Page 131) There is a strong desire of not merely the producers of meat, butter, and eggs to claim their products are safe, but also the meat - and - butter eating public and media distort and misinterpret information to justify their preferences. Low - carbohydrate, Paleo, and other high - meat diet advoctates proudly tell their followers that this research has exonerated saturated fat and proved that the connection between saturated fat and heart disease was just a myth. The overall message is that everyone now has free reign to eat all the meat, butter, and cheese they want with no consequences.

These statements and headlines are sensationalized misinterpretrations of the science. They do a serious disservice to an already nutritionally confused and unhealthy public for whom heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death.

Page 172) Some authors and advice -givers claim that eating fat is the culprit; others claim that you can eat all the meat and fat you want and the culprit is sugar. The reality is that both excess simple sugars and excess animal products promote atherosclerosis and heart disease. 

Page 19) When refined products are replaced with vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans, disease rates always go down; and when animal products are replaced with vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans, disease rates always go down.

Page 17) There is one thing that all powerful, long - term, and large epidemiological studies have in common, and that is the demonstrated benefits from eating more vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. This common denominator of more plant foods and less animal products is also seen in all the so - called Blue Zones of the world, that is, where the people who have the longest life expectancy live. The population with the longest documented life expectancy in the world doesn't eat any meat at all: the subset of the 7th Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, who are vegetarians and regularly eat nuts and seeds.

Page 94) Doctors need to make it crystal clear to their patients that food is the cause of, and should be the primary treatment for, heart disease. Everything else is window dressing. Most people who take cholesterol - lowering medications still experience cardiac events, advancement of their disease, and even death from their heart problems.
- by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

FROM "THE END of DIABETES" - by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

The American diet contains very little nutrient - rich foods. Overall, Americans consume 62 percent of their calories in processed foods and 25.5 percent from animal products. This is the crux of the problem. Both processed foods and animal products are deficient in antioxidants and phytochemicals.

We could not design a better plan to kill off our population. Only 10 percent of American food intake is from vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts and fruits - the natural high - micronutrient foods that help prevent and reverse diabetes.

Those who advocate a high - protein (meat - based) diet hang their hat on the low Glycemic Index (GI) of animal products to explain the advantages of a diet rich in animal products and lower in vegetation. This view oversimplifies the multifactoral nuances of nutrition and results in a distorted understanding of nutritional science.

Ranking food on GI alone ignores many other factors that may make that food favorable or unfavorable. Because a carrot has a higher GI than a slice of bacon does not make bacon a better food for a diabetic or heart patient.

There are other important nutritional considerations besides GI, including the toxicity, micronutrient density, and fiber. Good examples of such nutritional nonsense include Dr. Barry Sears of the Zone Diet, who warns against the consumption of lima beans, papayas, and carrots because of their GI; and Dr. Robert Atkins, who excluded fruits and vegetables with powerful anticancer benefits from his diet.

Page 111) Perhaps one of the most unexpected findings in nutritional epidemiology in the past 5 years has been that nut consumption offers strong protection against heart disease. Several clinical studies have observed beneficial effects on blood lipids as a result of diets high in nuts (including walnuts, peanuts, almonds, and other nuts).

A review of 23 international trials using nuts and seeds convincingly demonstrated that eating nuts daily decreases total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Not only do nuts and seeds lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, but they also raise HDL (good) cholesterol.

Interestingly, they can help normalize a dangerous type of LDL molecule - the small, dense LDL particles that are particularly damaging to blood vessels, especially the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. - from "THE END of DIABETES" - by Joel Furhman, M.D.

From the Book "THE END of DIETING" - by Joel Fuhrman M.D.

Page 46) Clearly, at this point in nutritional science we have enough studies which show that diets higher in the amount of meat shorten lifespan and promote cancer. And these studies have been consistent in various regions of the world and with various types of meat, implicating many different aspects of meat, including grass-fed meats and the more contaminated commercial corn-fed or grain-fed meats.

Page 44) For a normally sized male, a meat -  based diet contains between 150 and 200 grams of protein a day, or roughly 3 to 4 times the daily amount recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

This diet is foolishly and dangerously excessive. All animal products, including meat, fish, and dairy, are rich in substances associated with cancer and heart disease: saturated fat, cholesterol, and arachidonic acid. However, it isn't merely the fat content that makes excessive animal products disease promoting. Animal protein stimulates the rise of cancer-promoting hormones within the body, especially insulin - like growth factor - 1 (IGF-1). When we consume animal protein, the body increases its production of IGF-1. Though IGF-1 is one of the body's most important growth promoters during infancy and childhood, it accelerates the aging process, promoting the growth, proliferation, and spread of cancer cells later in life. Elevated IGF-1 levels are linked to an increased risk of several types of cancers, including colon, breast, and prostate cancer.

Reduced IGF-1 signaling in adulthood, on the other hand, is associated with reduced oxidative stress, decreased inflammation, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and longer lifespan.

Protein-rich plant foods, such as seeds, beans, and greens, don't raise IGF-1 levels, don't contain pro-inflammatory substances, and are rich in anti - inflammatory and life - extending phytochemicals. The secret to long life and successful weight loss is to get more protein from natural plant sources and less from animal products.

From the Book "THE END of DIETING" - by Joel Fuhrman M.D.

ADVICE ON PROTEIN & NUTRITION - from the book "Vegan for Life":

Overt protein deficiency is rare among Americans and occurs in other parts of the world where people don't get enough food. Many vegan advocates point out that people don't end up in hospitals because of a protein deficiency. It's true that in countries where food is abundant, acute deficiency of protein doesn't occur. But diets that are marginal in protein - not quite deficient, but not quite optimal - can result in loss of muscle mass, poor bone health, and compromised immunity.

We'd like to say that vegans never need to worry about protein, but that isn't entirely true. There are a few situations where vegans may fall short on meeting protein needs.

Vegan diets that are low in protein-rich foods like legumes are likely to be too low in protein. Obviously, junk-food vegan diets - those based on potato chips, French fries, and soft drinks - can be too low in protein ( and too low in just about everything else you need to be healthy). And extreme versions of vegan diets, such as raw foods or fruitarian regimens, are often low in the higher-protein plant foods like legumes and soyfoods and can lead to a marginal protein intake.

With the exception of vitamin B12, it's possible to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need from plant foods. Nutritional yeast is popular among vegans and Red Star brand Vegetarian Support Formula is a good choice.


Powdered wheat grass and powdered green formulas are popular in health food stores, but they are more expensive than nutritional yeast. Here's what I found on a trip to the local Whole Foods Market:

Garden of Life Raw Fit Protein (organic, vegan, whole food, high protein)
Amazing Grass Raw Reserve Greens & Protein (vegan) - 11.5 oz - $28.00
Amazing Grass Amazing Meal - Amazing Meal (vegan, raw) - 12.5 oz - $28.00
Vibrant Health Purgereen Protein (vegan) 16 oz &28.00

ALIVE! Whole Food Energizer- 90 capsules multivitamin/mineral - $15 for 90 capsules
Garden of Life Vitamin Code - 120 vegetarian capsules $40
mykind Organics (certified organic whole food multivitamins) - $50 for 72 vegan tablets
$30 for 36 vegan tablets

Garden of Life Perfect Food Energizer Raw Organic Super Food - 30 servings - $41.00
WholeFoods Nutritional Yeast - 16oz. - $15.00
Vibrant Health Green Vibrance - 30-day supply - $45.00
Amazing Grass Organic Wheat Grass - 60 servings - $45.00

Excellent vegan calcium sources: kale, collard greens, bok choy, spinach, broccoli, quinoa, amaranth, kidney beans, tofu, oranges, nuts, and romaine lettuce. Other excellent source are calcium - fortified rice milk, and natural vitamin/mineral supplements.

Excellent vegan protein sources: legumes (lentils, beans, and peas), seeds, nuts, kidney beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), amaranth, soybeans, spinach, tempeh

Anyone who is concerned about a proper vegan diet can research the Web or consult with a nutritionist. Remember, a proper vegan diet is far more beneficial than the standard American diet (SAD). The author of this blog suggests that natural vitamin and mineral supplements also provide vitamin D, which is a very important vitamin.

Now, if the reader of this blog consults a physician about these vegan diets, he or she will tell you that they can't hurt as long as you get adequate nutrition. Medical doctors will most likely DOWNPLAY the benefits of these diets, but they will let you eat whatever you want to eat. Don't be afraid of not getting adequate nutrition!

I have been practicing medicine for over 33 years and I have treated virtually every type of chronic illness common to the developed world. In my efforts to help people restore their health, I have tried almost every type of test and medical treatment available. But in all my years I have seen only one form of treatment work consistently and, quite often, even miraculously.
This approach has been effective even when all other medical therapies have failed. Patients whose doctors have given up on them – who are told there are no more drugs or operations that might save them – have restored their health using this singular approach.

The McDougall Diet Basics
  • A diet of plant foods, including whole grains and whole-grain products (such as pasta, tortillas, and whole-grain bread), and a wide assortment of  vegetables and fruit.
  • Plenty of spices and usually small amounts of sugar and salt to enhance the flavor of food.
  • Exercise as simple as a daily walk.
  • The exclusion of animal foods, including red meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, and fish – all of which provide toxic levels of fat, cholesterol, protein and, very often, infectious agents and harmful chemicals.
  • The exclusion of all oils including olive oil, safflower oil, and corn oil. Oils are nothing more than liquid fats that increase obesity, which in turn, depresses immune function and contributes to the most common chronic diseases. - Dr. John McDougall

Forget what your meat-eating friends and relatives tell you about diseases! Forget Paula Deen's cookbooks! Better yet, forget Paula Deen! Read about how to cure, reverse or alleviate most major diseases using a low-fat vegan diet: visit a fascinating website titled "VEGAN HEALTH" at:


It's important to realize that "cheating" on these vegan, curative diets will reduce their benefits. Indulging in meat and/or dairy foods will negate or diminish the healing benefits of these diets. Eating sugar, junk food, etc. is NOT conducive to healing. However, the healing wonders of these vegan diets are enormous: aches and pains disappear, blood pressure will quickly normalize, heart disease will be reversed, etc. You will be amply rewarded for your patience and perseverance!

Now, a curative, therapeutic vegan diet is more strict than a low-fat vegan maintenance diet. People who do not have chronic diseases can eat a wider range of foods, and even consume a small amount of junk food, whereas curative diets are quite strict. Be sure to visit Dr. Joel Fuhrman's website at:



Hippocrates Health Institute was founded over 60 years ago by Anne Wigmore, and they have accommodations for people to live at the Institute while they experience the healing benefits of a raw vegan diet. If I had enough money and I had a chronic disease, I would definitely check out this website:

David Sandoval writes in his book "The Green Foods Bible" that the program at Hippocrates Institute involve a diet completely made up of organically grown raw foods, along with fresh wheatgrass juice, and vegetable and fruit juices. Sandoval writes that people who attended the Institute have been completely cured of illnesses that have confounded conventional medicine, including: arthritis, asthma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, fibrocystic breast disease, menstrual problems, chronic sinus congestion, chronic fatigue and more.

From the "Green Foods Bible": Broccoli's good, but broccoli sprouts may be even better. John Hopkins University of Medicine researchers found substantial amounts of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates in broccoli sprouts. These potent inducers of Phase II Liver detoxification enzymes help to protect cells against malignant transformation. Broccoli sprouts contain 10 to 100 times greater concentrations of these enzymes than mature broccoli plants.


THE ROLE of DIET IN ARTHRITIS - by Neal Barnard M.D.

For years people have suspected that foods are an important factor in the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Many notice an improvement in their condition when they avoid dairy products, citrus fruits, tomatoes, eggplant and certain other foods. 

Initially, the evidence was anecdotal. A woman from the Midwest once suffered from painful arthritis. Today she is a picture of health, thin and athletic, and her arthritis is totally gone. It seemed that dairy products were to blame for her arthritis, for when she eliminated them from her diet, the arthritis disappeared completely.

A 1989 survey of over one thousand arthritis patients revealed that the foods most commonly believed to worsen the condition were red meat, sugar, fats, salt, caffeine, and nightshade plants (e.g., tomatoes, eggplant). Once the offending food is eliminated completely, improvement usually comes within a few weeks. Dairy foods are one of the principle offenders, and the problem is the dairy protein, rather than the fat, so skim milk products are as much a problem as whole milk.

An increasing volume of research shows that certain dietary changes do in fact help. For example, polyunsaturated oils and omega-3 supplements have a mild beneficial effect, and researchers have found that vegan diets are beneficial. One 2002 study looked at the influence of a very low-fat vegan diet on subjects with moderate-to-severe RA. After only four weeks on the diet, almost all measures of RA symptoms decreased significantly. The Journal of Rheumatology published a study that found a gluten-free vegan diet improved the signs and symptoms of RA. An uncooked vegan diet, rich in antioxidants and fiber was shown in another study to decrease joint stiffness and pain in patients with RA. Some research studies have looked at fasting followed by a vegetarian or vegan diet. A review of multiple research studies concluded that this dietary treatment might be useful in the treatment of RA.

Vegan diets dramatically reduce the overall amount of fat in the diet, and alter the composition of fats. This in turn can affect the immune processes that influence arthritis. The omega-3 fatty acids in vegetables may be a key factor, along with the near absence of saturated fat. The fact that patients also lose weight on a vegan diet contributes to the improvement.

In addition, vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals. Oxygen free radicals attack many parts of the body and contribute to heart disease and cancer, and intensify the aging processes generally, including of the joints.

Iron acts as a catalyst, encouraging the production of these dangerous molecules. Vitamins C and E, which are plentiful in a diet made of vegetables and grains, help neutralize free radicals. Meats supply an overload of iron, no vitamin C, and very little vitamin E, whereas vegetables contain more controlled amounts of iron, and generous quantities of antioxidant vitamins.

As well as being helpful in preventing arthritis, antioxidants may also have a role in reducing its symptoms. Some arthritis treatments, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, work at least in part by neutralizing free radicals. For the most part, however, vitamins and other antioxidants will be of more use in preventing damage before it occurs, rather than in treating an inflamed joint.

A diet drawn from fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans therefore appears to be helpful in preventing and, in some cases, ameliorating arthritis.

The Four-Week Anti-Arthritis Diet (adapted from Foods That Fight Pain, by Neal Barnard, M.D.):

For four weeks, include generous amounts of foods from the pain-safe list in your routine. At the same time, scrupulously avoid the major triggers. It is important to avoid these foods completely, as even a small amount can cause symptoms.

You may well experience benefits earlier than four weeks, but for some people it can take this long for chronically inflamed joints to cool down. Pain-safe foods virtually never contribute to arthritis or other painful conditions. Pain-safe foods include:

Brown rice

Cooked or dried fruits: cherries, cranberries, pears, prunes (but not citrus fruits, bananas, peaches or tomatoes)

Cooked green, yellow, and orange vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, chard, collards, lettuce, spinach, string beans, summer or winter squash, sweet potatoes, tapioca, and taro (poi)

Water: plain water or carbonated forms, such as Perrier, are fine. Other beverages, even herbal teas, can be triggers.

Condiments: small amounts of salt, maple syrup, and vanilla extract are usually well-tolerated.

After four weeks, if your symptoms have improved or disappeared, the next step is to nail down which one or more of the trigger foods has been causing your problem. Simply reintroduce the foods you have eliminated back into your diet one at a time, every two days.

Have a generous amount of each newly reintroduced food, and see whether your joints flare up again. If so, eliminate the food that seems to have caused the problem, and let your joints cool down again. Then continue to reintroduce the other foods. Wait at least two weeks before trying a problem food a second time. Many people have more than one food trigger.

It is not recommended to bring meats, dairy products, or eggs back into your diet. Not only are they major triggers, but they also encourage hormone imbalances that may contribute to joint pain, and also lead to many other health problems.

Avoid Major Arthritis Triggers:

1. Dairy products*
2. Corn
3. Meats**
4. Wheat, oats, rye
5. Eggs
6. Citrus fruits
7. Potatoes
8. Tomatoes
9. Nuts
10. Coffee

*All dairy products should be avoided: skim or whole cow's milk, goat's milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.

*All meats should be avoided: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.

- by William Meggs, M.D., Ph.D. & Carol Svec

By modifying our diets, it is very possible to reduce aches and pains, regain energy and vitality, increase mental clarity, and lower the risk of inflammation - related diseases. In fact, food is one of our most valuable tools for fighting inflammation.

Scientists have discovered that some types of foods are pro-inflammatory (able to increase inflammation), and other foods are anti-inflammatory. The typical Western diet tends to cause inflammation more often than not.

Here's what we know about meat and animal products:

1.) They are among the top inflammation triggers.

2.) They are not necessary for a healthful life. Many people in the world survive perfectly well as vegetarians.

3.) They are the sole outside source of cholesterol. The body makes its own cholesterol, but only foods from animals contain cholesterol.

Vegetarian and vegan diets are great at fighting inflammation.
Study after study has shown that eating a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower risk of cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

For some disorders, the anti - inflammatory action of a vegan diet may be as good as medication. One study followed people with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis who switched to a low - fat vegan diet. After only 4 weeks, the patients reported less pain. In addition, they had lower levels of the inflammatory levels of RS factor (a marker for rheumatoid arthritis). Remember, too, that 4 weeks of anti - inflammatory eating is a small amount of time compared to decades of eating the standard American diet.

Consult your doctor before becoming a vegetarian if you have diabetes or other disorders that have dietary restrictions. - from the book "The Inflammation Cure"



Dr. Michael Gregor wrote:

Any nondairy cheese would also avoid the growth hormone problem of milk, which increases levels of a growth factor called IGF-1 in the body which facilitates the formation of new fat cells and has been particularly associated with childhood obesity.

Cheese is a very high fat food, and the fat is highly saturated. Plant - based cheese sources (nuts, soy, tapioca), on the other hand, contain little to no saturated fat, and their fiber content is an added bonus. Cheese alternatives also contain fat, but the major difference is that the fat in cheese alternatives is primarily the kind that's better for you; the mono and polyunsaturated kinds. These fats are not associated with obesity and heart disease the way saturated fat is. Visit:

Joel Fuhrman writes in "The End of Dieting" that milk products and meat raise IGF-1 levels throughout the American population: 

Prostate cancer seems especially affected by IGF-1 levels. An increased risk of developing this cancer occurs in direct proportion to an increase in dairy and meat consumption.

For 28 years, 21,000 men were tracked in the Physicians' Health Study, and males who had one serving of milk a day had double the risk of dying from prostate cancer compared to men who rarely drank milk. Meat consumption was also shown to raise IGF-1 levels in this study.

Dairy products raise IGF-1 levels the most. This may be caused by other bioactive growth - promoting compounds in addition to their high protein content.

Ten different observational studies and several international studies show a positive connection between milk and high levels of IGF-1.

Fuhrman states that centenarians typically have low levels of IGF - 1 and high levels of anti - inflammatory molecules from nutrient - dense plant foods.

How many ounces a day of animal products can a person safely consume? The answer is not clearly defined. But averaging more than 1 ounce a day for women and 1.5 ounces a day for men is risky. The IGF-1 curve seems to sharply increase above these levels.
- from "The End of Dieting" 

Refined carbohydrates also raise IGF-1 levels, because they cause a rapid rise in insulin levels. Fuhrman states that regularly eating high - glycemic foods with animal protein (a major part of the SAD) is creating a cancer epidemic in America. Consider the everyday American diet: ham and cheese sandwich on white bread, pizza, spaghetti and meatballs, hamburger on a bun, fish and chips, and steak with fries - all promote cancer.

In their vegan book "Skinny Bitch" Rory Freeman & Kim Barnouin write that dairy products produce mucus, and frequently, the body develops a cold or allergies to fight the dairy invasion.

Harvard researchers - along with Yale, Penn Sate, and the National Institutes of Health - have studied the effects of dairy intake on the human body. Not a single study found dairy to be a deterrent to osteoporosis. Quite the contrary. A study funded by the National Dairy Council itself showed that the high protein content of dairy actually leaches calcium from the bones.

Dairy products have been linked to: acne, anemia, anxiety, indigestion, Irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, osteoporosis, poor immune function, allergies, ear infections, obesity, colic, heart disease, diabetes, Crohn's disease, breast and prostate cancers, and ovarian cancer. - from the book "Skinny Bitch"

From the book "Food Allergy Survival Guide " - by Vesanto Melina, MS, RD, Jo Stepaniak, MSED & Dina Aronson, MS, RD:

Page 78)
Allergic reactions to milk most frequently affect the skin and the digestive system. Cheese and ice cream are known to be triggers for migraine headaches. Milk can trigger or worsen asthma attacks.

Page 82) Cow's milk and dairy products are considered an entire food group in some national food guidelines, and this is largely due to powerful dairy lobbies in these countries.

Dairy products are not essential to human nutrition. Indeed, in many parts of the world, dairy products are not on the food guidelines and they are not consumed daily.

The Patient's Book of Natural Healing - by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. & Alan Gaby, M.D states:

Page 73)
Research shows that an enzyme in cow's milk - named xanthine oxidase - can damage blood - vessel walls and promote atherosclerosis.

Page 228) For example, if a milk - allergic person drinks a glass of milk, he will produce antibodies to milk that could attack the joints, kidneys, or other tissues.


"THE WHOLE LIFE PROSTATE BOOK" - by H. Ballentine Carter, MD & Gerald Secor Couzens

Page 47) Fatal prostate cancer, enlarged prostates and prostatic inflammation are associated with diets high in calories, fat, dairy foods, processed meats and grilled meats. These foods encourage chronic disease through metabolic and hormonal changes that promote excessive cell growth and reduced normal cell growth. Uncontrolled cell growth is a hallmark of cancer.

Page 51) Dr. William Nelson, a molecular biologist at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at John Hopkins found that overcooked red meat produces substances called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These are similar to the carcinogens found in cigarette smoke, and are known to promote prostate and colon cancer. By cooking meat at high temperatures, one of these HCAs - known as PhIP (2 - amino-1-methyl - 6 phenylimidazo<4,5 - b> pyridine) - accumulates in the prostate where it damages DNA, causes inflammation, and leads to a higher risk of cancer.

The standard American diet has been estimated to have a similar amount of carcinogens from charred meat as inhaling 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes per day!

Eating plant sources of protein that won't form carcinogens when cooked - beans and soybeans for example - is an easy and tasty way to minimize inflammation and other damage to the prostate caused by consuming charboiled meats.

Asians, who eat a predominantly soy and vegetable - based diet, not only have much less prostate cancer than Americans, but also less prostate inflammation than Americans.

Page 52) Cancer experts believe that diet plays a role in various cancers: prostate, colon, breast, pancreas, and even lungs. We know that people who consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains, and exercise regularly are less likely to develop cancer - including prostate cancer - than those who don't.

Inflammation plays a major role in many chronic diseases that compromise male health, including cardiovascular and prostate disorders.

Page 29) Not only the prostate is harmed by inflammation, but long - term, ongoing inflammation causes serious damage on a cellular level that leads to many chronic diseases, including cancer, vascular disease, and Alzheimer's.

Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book states: "It is wise, for many reasons, for all of us to eat a diet low in animal fat and high in fruits and vegetables. Reducing the risk of the more aggressive estrogen - receptor - negative tumors is worth it." - page 131

"AFTER  CANCER CARE" - by Gerald M. Lemole, MD & Pallav K. Mehta, MD & Dwight L. McKee, MD

Page 42) Ever - increasing research shows that a whole food diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, along with exercise, both during and after cancer treatment improve both survival and quality of life for patients. This dietary approach is endorsed by organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Page 44) Red meats are known to have saturated fats, sodium, nitrates, and toxic hydrocarbons created by cooking (especially grilling), all associated with increased cancer risk. Almost daily, scientific papers report the link between a poor diet and cancer. Organizations such as the National Cancer Institute routinely warn of the connection between processed meats, red meat, and high - fat and high - sugar diets and cancer of the prostate, breast, lung, and colon.

Page 50) On average, red meat eaters live 10 years less than those who do not eat it. In 2012, the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that red meat consumption is directly linked to overall cancer mortality, from all cancers as well as general morbidity. Red meat is especially strongly linked to colon, pancreas, and endometrial cancers.

Page 51) Daily consumption of processed meats - bacon, deli chicken and turkey, hot dogs, sausage, and salami - increase the risk of a heart attack or cancer by 18 percent.

Page 49) Newer studies indicate certain foods are involved in promoting cancer, or they create conditions - such as chronic inflammation - where cancer thrives. These foods include: refined sugar, high - fructose corn syrup, alcohol, omega  - 6 fats (which are produced in fried foods using vegetable oils).

Page 50) These foods should be avoided or strictly moderated: 

1.) Red meat
2.) Processed meats: hot dogs, bacon and processed deli meats
3.) Trans fats: also known as hydrogenated vegetable fats
4.) Large amounts of dairy products: milk, cheese, and yogurt
5.) Processed foods
6.) Refined/concentrated sugars
7.) Alcohol

Tans fats

Trans fats are processed oils known to promote many diseases: cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. One slice of pepperoni and cheese pizza has about 1/5 of its 490 calories coming from trans fats.

According to the national Academy of Sciences, there is no safe level of trans fat intake and trans fats provide no known health benefits to human health. They are basically metabolic poisons.

Page 52) Dairy

Dairy products are high in casein, a protein occurring in all mammalian milk products. Casein is known to be highly inflammatory. Any dairy products in your diet should be organic, free of growth hormones, and used sparingly.

Many cancer studies have shown a positive link between saturated animal fat intake and the following cancers: breast, ovarian, colon and prostate. These saturated fats are found in meats, cheese, cream and other dairy products.

A high consumption of salt, fat and protein from cow's milk cheese corresponds with an increase in cancer. And, dairy products such as ice cream and yogurt are spiked with large amounts of sugar which increases the possible links to inflammation and cancer.

Page 50) One Harvard study indicates that just one daily serving of red meat increases the chance of premature death by 13 percent and the chance of having a heart attack by 14 percent. A higher rate of stomach and esophagus cancers occurs in countries where large amounts of smoked foods and meats are consumed. These foods - such as hot dogs, bacon and ham - contain nitrates and nitrites which are used as preservatives and become cancer - causing nitrosamines in the gut.

Page 57) Flax also inhibits tumor spread by metastasis and reduces new blood vessel growth to the tumors.

Page 58) Lycopene, found in tomatoes, seems to have a considerable effect against prostate, lung, and stomach cancer. It is effective at preventing cancer and can be used as an adjunct in treating breast and uterine cancer.

Page 75) The Feb. 21, 2013 edition of Journal of Anticancer Research states that taking 4,000 to 8,000 IU a day of vitamin D can prevent or contain cancer, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes. - from "AFTER  CANCER CARE"

"PRESCRIPTION for LIFE" - by Richard Furman, MD, FACS

Page 133) Eating red meat increases your overall risk of disease in the arteries of your heart as well as causes an increased risk of certain cancers. There is a double - blind study of more than 1/2 million people. In one group, individuals ate red meat and processed meat, and in the other group, individuals limited their intake of meat to white meat.

The researchers compared death from cancer as well as disease to the arteries of their hearts and found an overall increased risk of cancer and coronary vascular disease in those who ate the greatest amount of red meat.

Here is the bottom line: The study showed the health risks of diets loaded with red meat, such as hamburger and steak, and processed meats, such as hot dogs, bacon, and cold cuts. Researchers found that over a 10 - year period, men who ate the equivalent of a quarter - pound hamburger a day had a 22 percent higher risk of dying from cancer and a 27 percent higher risk of dying from heart disease than those men whose diet did not contain red meat.

Page 134) Some within that group who ate the greatest amount of red meat changed their eating lifestyle and began eating the same as the group who ate very little red meat. The study found that there was an 11 percent decrease in early mortality in the men and a 21 percent decrease in early mortality in the women who changed to a healthy diet. - from Prescription for Life

 "THE END of DIABETES" - by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Page 70) I have seen many diabetic patients on physician - recommended high - protein diets develop kidney or heart problems. Numerous people have suffered and died needlessly because of misinformation. I consider this advice malpractice. This issue still exists. Many doctors are still advocating this diet for diabetics.

Page 68) Diabetics mostly die of heart attacks. A meat - based diet promotes atherosclerosis, increases the risk of blood clots, and accelerates kidney failure in diabetics. A diet high in animal products and low in vegetables and beans is the formula for a medical disaster. Diabetics need the opposite: a diet high in vegetables and beans and low in animal products.

Page 69) Unquestionably, sugar, white flour, and other processed grains are unfavorable and must be removed to achieve good health, but to increase animal products at the expense of vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds, and other low - glycemic, nutrient - rich plant foods (which are protein adequate) is not only dangerous but also reduces the potential for the diabetic to recover and get off all medications.
Not only are diets very high in animal products dangerous in the short - term, they are more dangerous when followed long - term. Animal products need to be restricted for disease reversal to occur predictably. Diabetics have significantly better chances at reversing their disease when they avoid excess animal protein.

Page 71) A landmark study published in 2000 actually measured what was happening to the arteries of people on low - carb, high - protein diets. Utilizing SPECT scans to directly measure blood flow within coronary arteries, the development of heart disease was examined in 16 people on a vegetarian diet that was high in fruits and vegetables and in 10 people on a low - carb, high - animal - protein diet. The results were shocking. 

Those sticking to the whole foods vegetarian diet showed a reversal in expected heart disease. Their partially clogged arteries literally got cleaned out, and blood flow to their heart through their coronary arteries increased by 40 percent. Those on the high - protein diet exhibited rapid advancement of their heart disease with a 40 percent decrease in blood flow in the heart's blood vessels.

THE 30 - DAY DIABETES MIRACLE - by Franklin House, MD & Stuart A. Seale, MD & Ian Blake Newman

Page 185) There's no credible evidence from any long - term study showing that low - carbohydrate diets create good health. Indeed, almost every study shows that long - term carbohydrate restriction is linked to serious complications from cancer, increased serum cholesterol, osteoporosis, kidney stone formation, and even sudden death.

Page 69) Plant - based Diet is Best for Diabetes

A vegetarian diet reduces the occurrence of diabetes. A study begun in 1960 followed 25, 698 white adult Adventists for 21 years. Results showed that Adventists had about half the risk for developing diabetes compared to the general U.S. white population. And these Adventists had a substantially lower risk of dying from diabetes compared to meat eaters.


Page 171) "Insulin - like growth factor - 1 is necessary for proper growth in children, but studies of men and women more than 40 years old raise the possibility that it contributes to the growth of tumors," states an article about he work of Edward Giovannucci, MD, an assistant professor at Harvard's School of Public Health who has studied IGF - 1.

"Once cancer cells begin to form, 1GF -1 will promote their growth as well as that of normal cells," he says.

Harvard researchers found that men with high IGF-1 levels have more than 4 times the risk of prostate cancer, and premenopausal women with elevated IGF-1 have 7 times the risk of breast cancer, based on the European Commission and Harvard's Nurses' Health Study.

Page 155) From an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: "Elderly women with a high dietary ratio of animal to vegetable protein intake have more rapid femoral and neck bone loss and a greater risk of hip fracture than do those with a low ratio." (273, no.1 - January, 2003)


Pg. 95) Another comparison offers more clarity: how vegetarians stack up against meat eaters. When researchers compare vegetarians to omnivores, they routinely find differences in health and longetivity between the two groups. The typical meat eater will die as much as 10 years earlier and have twice the risk of diabetes and half again the risk of heart disease and colorectal cancer. Omnivorous men have two and a half times the risk of prostate cancer as those who abstain from meat, and omnivorous women have twice the risk of breast cancer. And of course, because these diseases can kill, omnivores' overall risk of death is two to three times higher than found in vegetarians.

A 2008 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found those who eat poultry just twelve times a month are more than three times as likely to develop heart disease as those who rarely eat it.

Pg. 93) Another disease closely linked to animal food consumption is type 2 diabetes, the scourge of some 34 million Americans. A 2011 study by researchers from Harvard Medical School of Public Health, and other leading institutions looked at the eating habits of more than 200,000 people. The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, concluded that consumption of just one serving of red or processed meat was associated with up to a 35 percent higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Thus, if eaten as a steak, hamburger, hot dog, or bacon, a single serving of meat each day - well below the multiple servings Americans actually eat - significantly increases one's risk of becoming diabetic. As Americans eat about 50 percent more red meat than white, such research may help to explain the nation's surging incidence of type 2 diabetes.

Pg. 92) Take heart disease, the number-one killer of Americans, dispatching more people each year than AIDS, cancer, and car accidents combined. A stack of published studies taller than a quadruple cheeseburger with all the fixings establishes a direct, causal link between eating meat and developing heart disease. Much of the research finds that red and processed meats carry the biggest rick of heart disease, making these the most dangerous animal foods.

Or take cancer. Regularly eating the amount of meat in three Chicken McNuggets, about one-tenth of the typical American's daily meat intake, is enough to materially increase one's risk of developing cancer. Copious research finds that meat eaters are particularly prone to cancers of the prostate, breast, and colon.

1.) DR. FUHRMAN - Smart Nutrition. Superior Health


3.) VEGAN DIETS FIGHT CANCER! - from the Huffington Post with Kathy Freston

4.) REDUCING CANCER RISK - by Richard Harkness & Steven Bratman M.D.


6.) PHYSICIAN'S COMMITTEE for RESPONSIBLE MEDICINE - Resources for Health Conditions

7.) VEGAN DIETS FIGHT CANCER! - from the Huffington Post with Kathy Freston

8.) DR. DEAN ORNISH: Undo Heart Disease with Ornish



11.) FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD: Movie trailer and Joe's Fascinating Story

12.) Viva! Plant - based Diets & Cardiovascular Disease Fact Sheet



15.) BEAT CANCER - A Book About Beating Cancer with a Vegan Diet

16.) NATURAL NEWS: A vegan diet offers relief from inflammatory disease and reduces heart disease risk



19.) REVERSING CANCER WITH a VEGAN DIET ! - Video by Michael Greger, M.D.




Increasingly, meat eaters are claiming that vegans are exaggerating the health benefits of plant-based diets.
Maybe we should ignore the plethora of data showing the benefits of proper vegan diets. Why not hope for a magic pill to deliver us from gluttony and its deadly consequences?

When reading about these nutritional studies, it is worth noting this: beef, chicken, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and steak and eggs CANNOT cure or improve ANY disease. In fact, these animal proteins stimulate the rise of cancer – promoting hormones such as IGF-1. It is not just the saturated fat and cholesterol in animal products, but insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), that causes disease.

Consider too, that if meat improved or cured cancer, studies would indicate this: cancer patients should eat more hot dogs! Dairy products have not reversed any diseases, either.

If meat and dairy shrank tumors, or stopped the spread of cancer cells, then newspapers would publish articles like this: “Meat & Milk Improves Cancer.” You will not read this headline: "Ice Cream and Cheeseburgers Cure Cancer." Even the National Enquirer would not publish these headlines!


Too much animal protein = more disease
Too much sugar = more disease
Too much salt = more disease

Interestingly, mega corporations such as McDonald's have spent hundreds of millions of dollars promoting their high-fat, high-salt, high-sugar junk fare. Also, controlling weight is a matter of controlling calories. Controlling calories demands enough willpower to eat only when you are genuinely hungry. There is nothing magical about eating meat, dairy and eggs.
One magazine's wonder diet is another publication's road to cancer.

The standard American diet is NOT preventing diseases, and it does NOT improve or cure ANY disease. Telling cancer patients to continue eating what they've been eating is very bad advice.

We already know from the Okinawa Study, the China Study and hundreds of other studies what the optimal diet is for humans. We know that humans are designed to eat a large amount of plants - not animal protein - and millions of people thrive on a vegan or vegetarian diet. Yet, some people tout the so-called Paleo Diet or the Atkins Diet as beneficial for humans, when the evidence shows that Paleo Diets and Atkins Diets are NOT producing the world's longest - lived and healthiest people.

In America, eating sugary, fatty foods is the great American pastime. Eating junk food has become a virtual secular religion based on gluttony and hedonism as the goal of human life. Billion-dollar corporations saturate the American body and psyche with their fat-laden, artery-clogging, cancer-causing garbage fare which is helping to create epidemics of arthritis, cancer, heart disease, strokes, etc.

Considerable nutritional science is behind these therapeutic whole - foods and raw vegan diets. We know the value of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals that are abundant in these diets. Natural - medicine doctors have known for decades that extra amounts of vitamins and minerals far exceeding the so -  called RDA can have powerful preventive and healing effects with minimal side effects, especially when compared to synthetic drugs.

Bad luck or accidents are not the reasons that people develop chronic degenerative diseases, rather, these conditions are earned through years of poor dietary habits and poor nutrition. Consider too, the long-term effects of smoking or exposure to environmental toxins and the source of common diseases is less of a mystery.

Yet, these serious, debilitating illnesses can be reversed. Joel Fuhrman M.D. writes in his book "Fasting and Eating for Health" that he has helped hundreds of patients recover from serious, degenerative diseases by fasting and eating a healthy, low-fat vegan diet. Joel Fuhrman's book should be read and thoroughly digested by all medical doctors and serious laymen.


Dr. Dean Ornish mentions in the book "Breast Cancer - Beyond Convention" that "incidences of clinically significant prostate, breast and colon cancers are much lower in parts of the world that eat a predominately low-fat, whole-foods, plant-based diet. Subgroups of people in the United States who eat this diet also have much lower rates of these cancers than those who eat a typical American diet."

Despite increasingly sophisticated methods of diagnosis and treatment, our so-called "War on Cancer" is being lost; cancer is still the second leading cause of death in the United States. The War on Cancer and other degenerative diseases is being lost because the standard American diet is more powerful at creating disease than medical science is at curing it.

We all know that obesity is a national epidemic which is fueled by ceaseless TV commercials reminding us of the joys of gluttony. Where are the commercials reminding us of the health hazards of these foods? Some of these "foods" are so dangerous they should be served with a warning label.

Early detection, surgery and radiation can be very effective treatments against cancer, but they cannot prevent a reoccurrence of the disease, which is quite common. A true cure consists of correcting the underlying causes of the cancer using proper diet, lifestyle and nutrition. And standard medical treatments cannot reverse conditions that are operating concurrently with cancer. For that, a holistic approach is needed.

Actually, few if any diseases, can really be cured by modern medicine. It is a basic fact that drugs and surgery cannot cure disease. A true "miracle drug" would be one with no side effect, and that miracle has yet to occur. All drugs are basically toxins that when injested will accumulate in the body. But a healthy, low-fat vegan diet can allow the body to heal itself because the proper healing environment is created and all obstacles to healing are removed.

Symptoms may be relieved, pain diminished, and offending body parts removed, but the underlying causes of the disease must be addressed for a true cure to occur. Holistic medicine does not view cancer as a localized, foreign invader as much as it is the body's attempt to localize toxins resulting from poor diet, wrong lifestyle and/or a toxic environment.

Cancer and other serious, degenerative diseases are at epidemic proportions because people are not living in harmony with natural laws of diet and healthy living. Eating greasy- fried double bacon cheeseburgers, French fries, double-layer pizzas, ice cream, fried chicken and more has mass appeal, which is why we have massive amounts of disease. It is no great secret that the American diet is highly toxic.

According to Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About," the so-called "war on cancer" is a fraud. The book states: "Consider that modern Western medicine has "searched" for the "cause" and "cure" for cancer and other degenerative diseases for well over 100 years and has failed miserably even though:

1.) The mission was entrusted to the "best" researchers in the medical, academic and industrial sectors.

2.) They have private and government contracts with huge amounts of money.

3.) They falsify research procedures, lie about results and cover for each other.
Dr. Linus Pauling, PhD., twice Nobel laureate, called the war on cancer largely a failure.

The purpose and driving force of the pharmaceutical industry is to increase their sales of pharmaceutical drugs that treat ongoing diseases, and to find new diseases or rename old diseases to market their existing drugs.

The eradication of any disease inevitably destroys a multi-billion dollar market for prescription drugs as a source of revenue. Therefore, deadly toxic chemical drugs are developed to treat symptoms but not cure anything.

It's been known for at least a hundred years that a natural raw foods diet, colonics, fasting, vitamins and minerals can be used to cure, or at least improve, the majority of diseases. Pharmaceutical companies and the food industry control the media, and they absolutely do not want natural cures for any disease made known to the public.

Millions of people suffer from painful inflammatory conditions. Here again it is NOT meat, dairy and eggs to the rescue - it is fruits and vegetables. Anti-inflammatory eating can be boiled down to six simple rules:

1.) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables - at least five servings each day

2.) Add flaxseed oil to your diet

3.) Eat very little meat, poultry, cheese, butter, and other animal products - or become a vegetarian or vegan.

4.) Take a multi-vitamin mineral supplement everyday

5.) Eat less

6.) Eliminate or at least decrease junk food intake

As if mountains of scientific evidence are not enough, we also have personal testimonies of people who have lived on a strict, whole-foods vegan diet. Paul Bragg was one such individual and in his book "The Miracle of Fasting" he stated that even though he was past 85 years of age, he could jog several miles, swim, and even perform difficult yoga postures while standing on his head! Imagine Robert Atkins performing such feats.

Robert Atkins himself had suffered a heart attack while eating one of his artery-clogging, fat-laden breakfasts on April 25, 2002. But he and his cardiologist said it was not diet related! Atkins was also clinically obese at the time of death. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that massive quantities of saturated fat and cholesterol will eventually wreak revenge on the human body. I'd like to see a single legitimate study showing that Atkins dieters are living long and healthy lives.

For some reason, the general public more readily accepts the reality of living - or dying - with serious, self-imposed diseases than it does in changing dietary habits. To become a junk food vegetarian is not the goal. Hundreds of healthy, tasty vegetarian and vegan recipes exist in books, magazines and on the Web. However, to reverse diseases a very strict low-fat, healthy vegan diet is required, although depending on the condition, some people eat a small amount of fish. Sometimes fasting is necessary, which will require expert supervision, depending on the severity of the illness.

Diseases among middle-aged and elderly people is the rule not the exception. The American Medical Association, the media, and most doctors have little appetite for natural healing methods that use diet and/or fasting, and this is a major disservice to the American public. Instead of reading about hundreds of people cured of serious, debilitating diseases using naturopathy, we have been saturated with articles about the Atkins Diet. Where are the studies showing us that Atkins dieters are living long and healthy lives? Where is the evidence showing us that meat and dairy are effective foods to fight cancer, heart disease, or any disease for that matter?

Fighting disease is not only big business - it is serious business. A wise person will reflect on what causes diseases to form and what foods are most effective at preventing or controlling these conditions. An ounce of prevention is worth at least a pound of cure.

- by Scott Palczak


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A diet containing plenty of processed meats, like hot dogs and sausages, raises the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a large multiethnic study unveiled on Wednesday.

Researchers found that heavy consumers of processed meats - 40 grams a day or more - were 67 percent more likely to develop cancer of the pancreas than study participants with the lowest intake.

 In addition, a diet rich in pork and red meat - 70 grams a day or more - also increased pancreatic cancer risk by about 50 percent, according to the study.

Meat consumption has been linked to pancreatic cancer in the past, but study results have been inconsistent.

This seven-year study examined the relationship between diet and pancreatic cancer in 190,545 men and women of African - American, Japanese - American, Caucasian, Latino and Native Hawaiian descent.

It is believed that chemical reactions that occur during the preparation of processed meats might be responsible for the association.

The results were reported at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Anaheim, California.