ARTHRITIS: An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide - by Ellen Kamhi and Eugene Zampieron
The first step in most detoxification protocols is a general body cleanse, utilizing such methods as eating nutrient-dense specific diets, fasting, and consuming fresh juices. These methods are the cornerstone of detoxification therapy and are critical for the successful treatment of arthritis. Avoiding solid foods and ingesting only liquids or teas allows the body to focus on cleansing, breaking down circulating toxins, and decreasing their adverse effects.
Researchers have documented decreased joint stiffness in patients with arthritis after a program of fasting and a follow-up arthritis friendly vegetarian diet. Biological indicators of inflammation tend to decrease after a fast. These indicators include SED rate, C-reactive protein, and pro-inflammatory immune cells, such as leukotrienes and eosinophils. In addition, patients report a substantial improvement in symptoms and overall cessation or reduction of the inflammatory response.
Pg. 78) An overwhelming number of arthritis sufferers will experience partial to complete relief of symptoms after a month of strict adherence to a primarily vegetarian, arthritis-friendly diet. The diet eliminates refined, canned, and processed foods, hydrogenated oils, and rancid fats, alcohol, caffeine, refined sugars, most animal products, and any foods that cause food allergies and toxic reactions. Additional foods to avoid include yeast, wheat and other high-gluten grains, cow's milk and dairy products, refined or concentrated natural sugars (even fruit juices), corn, and nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and potatoes). Organic vegetables and fruits should be incorporated into the diet.
We've found that arthritis patients suffer relapses of symptoms when they deviate from this diet. Typically, we prescribe the arthritis diet for one month, during which time we carefully monitor the patient for nutritional status, inflammatory markers, and digestive function.
Incorporating vegetable or fruit juices and "green" foods into a fasting regime is less aggressive than a true, water-only fast and is better tolerated by most people with borderline hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). In fact, for many people, fasting on water can create health problems if their body isn't adequately prepared for the shock. Fasting should be done only under the guidance of a health-care practioner who has experience in supervising fasts.
EAT to LIVE - by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
If dangerous drugs were the only way for a person to gain relief from suffering, we would be forced to accept the drawbacks of conventional therapy for autoimmune illnesses. The reality is, however, that dietary and nutritional interventions work for autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
While more research is needed in this area, all the studies that have been done are predictably positive and document improvement in blood inflammatory markers, as well as patient symptoms. I see this occur on a daily basis.
Here are the main ways to increase the possibility of obtaining remission or improvement in patients with autoimmune diseases:
1.) A strict plant-based (vegan), dairy-free, wheat-free, and gluten-free diet is usually necessary; a lower-protein diet is helpful.
2.) A high nutrient-per-calorie density diet with caloric restriction to obtain a normal weight is necessary.
3.) Arachidonic acid and DHA levels should be checked with an essential fatty acid profile. If the fatty acid balance is abnormal, supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids to achieve satisfactory balance may be necessary.
4.) Therapeutic fasting can be an extremely effective adjunct to control the autoimmune response and reset the hyperactive immune system to a more normal (lower) level of activity. Do not fast if you are dependent on multiple immunosuppressive drugs.
5.) Undertaking food elimination and challenge can uncover hidden food sensitivities. Most of the offending foods have been eliminated - animal products, wheat, and dairy.
In his book "Eat to Live" Joel Fuhrman writes: "Animal-product consumption in general is proportionally associated with multiple types of cancer. A massive international study that amassed data from 59 different countries showed that men who ate the most meat, poultry and dairy products were the most likely to die from prostrate cancer, while those who ate the most unrefined plant foods and nuts were the least likely to succumb to this disease.
Another study from Germany found colon cancer and rectal cancer decreased about 50 percent in adult vegetarians. However, a significantly greater reduction of cancer and all-cause mortality (about 75 percent reduction) was related to being on a vegetarian diet for more than 20 years.
The degree of protection correlated well with the number of years on a vegetarian diet. Other studies on vegetarian diet in different countries show almost the same thing.
It would be difficult for anyone to disagree that superior nutrition has a protective effect against cancer. The question that remains is: Can optimal nutrition or nutritional intervention be an effective therapeutic approach for patients who already have cancer? Scientific data indicates the answer is yes.
Researchers looking for answers to these questions studied women with cancer and found that saturated fat in the diet promoted a more rapid spread of the cancer. Other researchers found similar results.
For a woman who already has cancer, her risk of dying increased 40 percent for every 1,000 grams of fat consumed monthly. Studies also indicate that high fruit and vegetable intake improved survival, and fat on the body increases the risk of premature death.
Similar findings are found in the scientific literature regarding prostate cancer and diet, indicating that diet has a powerful effect on survival for those with prostate cancer. For humans, too much processed food and too many animal products are toxic."
- by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. _______________________________________________________________________
1.) VEGAN DIETS FIGHT CANCER! - from the Huffington Post with Kathy Freston
2.) VEGAN DIETS REVERSE DISEASES - from Scott's Buddhism& Vegetarian Blog
3.) ANTI - CANCER DIET - by Dr. Richard Beliveau
A key focus of our research is to characterize the antitumor and antiangiogenic potential of several molecules naturally present in food that we ingest daily. To date, we have identified four main families of food-based molecules presenting significant cancer-fighting potential:
4.) PREVENTING CANCER with a PLANT- BASED DIET - by Dr. Neal Barnard
5.) CLEVELAND HEARTLAB:The evidence for the heart-healthy effects of vegan, vegetarian, and plant-based diets in general just keeps getting stronger. New studies suggest that adopting the principals of plant-based diets could be a smart way to start the New Year.
9.) REBOOT WITH JOE: After 30 Years of Arthritis Pain, I've Finally Found Euphoria
THE ULTIMATE ANTI - ARTHRITIS DIET - adapted from Arthritis Today magazine
One of the most common questions people with any form of arthritis have is, "What can I eat to help my joints?"
The answer, fortunately, is that many foods can help. Following a diet low in processed foods and saturated fat and rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans is great for your body. If this advice seems familiar, it's because these are the principles of the highly - touted Mediterranean diet, which is frequently praised for its anti-aging, disease - fighting powers.
There's good science behind the hype. Studies confirm eating these foods lowers blood pressure and protects against chronic conditions ranging from cancer to stroke. It helps arthritis by curbing inflammation - which benefits your joints as well as your heart. Another bonus: Eating more healthy, whole foods commonly found in Mediterranean cuisine - and fewer package foods - can also lead to weight loss, which makes a huge difference in managing joint pain. Whether you call it a Mediterranean diet, an anti- inflammatory diet or simply an arthritis diet, here's a look at the key foods - and a breakdown of why they're good for joint health.
The typical Mediterranean diet includes small amounts of fish and poultry, but my opinion is that better results occur on a meatless - or limited meat - version of this diet. Hundreds of nutritious and healthy recipes are posted on the Web.
How much: Aim for 9 or more servings daily.
Why: Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants. These potent chemicals act as the body's natural defense system, helping neutralize unstable molecules called free radicals that can and will damage cells.
"Our bodies produce 10 to 15 different oxidants every day," says Dr. Tanya Edwards, MD, medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine and Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. "That oxidation process produces inflammation, which in turn produces more oxidants in the body. Fruits and vegetables can defuse those rogue molecules. The darker, more brilliant the fruit or vegetable, the more antioxidants it has," explains Dr. Edwards.Just be sure your plate sports many colors of the rainbow, since different colors neutralize different oxidants. "The anthocyanins in cherries, for example, contain enzymes that appear to mimic the effects of NSAIDs without the side effects," says weight loss coach and nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Phd, author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. A compound in the allium family of vegetables (onions, garlic, leeks and shallots) called diallyl disulfide also appear to fend off degrading protein enzymes present in people with osteoarthritis.
Other research suggests that eating vitamin K-rich veggies like broccoli, spinach, lettuce, kale, and cabbage dramatically reduces inflammatory markers in the blood.
Best sources: Colorful fruits and veggies like blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, spinach, kale, broccoli, eggplant and bell peppers.
How much: Two to three tablespoons daily
Why: Olive oil is made up largely of healthful, monounsaturated fat. It's anti-inflammatory, heart - healthy and it's tasty, too. But having the right type of fat isn't the oil's only value. In fact, experts claim at least half of its health benefits come from the olives, not the oil.How much: Two to three tablespoons daily
"What makes olive oil so healthy is that it's a delivery system for antioxidant compounds called polyphenols in the olives," says Bowden. So it's no wonder this oil has been linked with a reduced risk of a variety of chronic diseases.
Best sources: Extra virgin olive oil. It goes through less refining and processing, so it retains more nutrients than standard varieties.
How much: About one cup, four times a week, or more often
Why: Beans are loaded with fiber, a nutrient that helps lower CRP, an indicator of inflammation found in the blood. At high levels, CRP could indicate anything from an infection to R.A.
But fiber isn't the only reason beans help fight inflammation. In a study published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, scientists analyzed the nutrient content of 10 common bean varieties in southern Italy and identified a host of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, including quercetin, genistein, soysapogenin and oleanic acid.
Another reason beans are an essential part of an arthritis - friendly diet: They are a great (and inexpensive) source of protein, with about 15 grams per cup, and protein is important for overall health, especially for muscle health. Protein helps prevent muscle shrinkage due to age or inactivity, and stronger muscles make it easier to keep joints moving (movement is medicine!).
This vegetarian source of protein fills you up, meaning less post-meal snacking - and potentially less weight on your joints. Beans also digest very slowly, providing sustained energy and preventing the blood - sugar roller coaster commonly associated with high - carb and/or processed foods. Many bean varieties also boast folic acid, which benefits the heart, as well as immune - boosting minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc and potassium.
How much: 1 cup several times or more per week
Why: Brown rice is anti-inflammatory and has the following benefits:
1.) Rich in selenium
2.) High in manganese
3.) Rich in naturally - occurring oils
4.) Rich in antioxidants - comparable to blueberries, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables
How much: Eat 1.5 ounces of nuts daily (one ounce is about one handful)
Why: "Multiple studies confirm the role of nuts in an anti - inflammatory diet," explains Jose M. Ordovas, PhD, director of nutrition and genomics at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. A study published in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that over a 15 - year period, men and women who consumed the most nuts had a 51 percent lower risk of dying from an inflammatory disease (like RA) compared with those who ate the fewest nuts. Another study, published in the journal "Circulation," found that subjects with lower levels of vitamin B6 - found in most nuts - had higher levels of CRP and oxidative damage. More good news: Nuts are jam - packed with inflammation - fighting monounsaturated fat.
In addition to taste and texture, nuts boast protein and fiber. Even though they're relatively high in fat and calories, studies show that noshing on nuts promotes weight loss, because their protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats are satiating. "Just keep in mind that more is not always better," says Ordovas.
Best sources: Ground flaxseeds, walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios and almonds. In towns along the Mediterranean, you'll see these nuts mixed into everything from salads and pilafs to main dishes and desserts.
Page 94) The cornerstone of Dr. Gerson's therapy is detoxification of the body through diet designed to rehabilitate the body's natural immunity and healing process. Dr. Gerson was eulogized by renowned physician and missionary Dr. Albert Schweitzer, whose wife was cured of lung tuberculosis in the 1930s.
Page 97) The core of Gerson therapy is a regimen consisting primarily of a salt - and fat - free diet of organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables that are usually served raw or as juices. The primary objective of the diet is to detoxify the body and rebalance the whole metabolism, rather than simply to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.
Page 98) Dr. Gerson's liver therapy is multifaceted. First, animal proteins are eliminated or greatly reduced in the diet because they have been found to interfere with liver therapy and impede the body's detoxification.
The ideal diet for patients on liver therapy, as mentioned above is low in salt and fat, and high in potassium and fresh fruits and vegetables, mostly in juice form. The juice is always prepared freshly and is not mixed with other medications that could alter the PH and thereby decrease its efficacy. Restoration of the liver, which may take from 6 to 18 months, depending on the severity of the illness, allows the liver to detoxify the body and produce its own oxidative enzymes.
According to Dr. Gerson, patients on the therapy actually begin to break down, assimilate, and eliminate cancer tumors. This is accomplished when the repaired liver is adequately producing oxidative enzymes, the general detoxification process - of which the liver is a critical part - is active, and potassium levels throughout the body are adequate.
Page 105) A 40 to 50 percent improvement rate was recorded in terminal patients, and an 80 percent improvement in early to moderate cancer cases.
Cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables in the cruciferous family include kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, watercress, turnips, mustard plants and bok choy. Cruciferous vegetables contain detoxifying compounds called indoles and isothiocyanates, which have been proven to help prevent and reverse cancer.
Seaweed: Recently, research has shed light on the powerful mix of micronutrients, including Vitamin C and Vitamin E, as well as minerals, iodine, fiber, and polysaccharides in seaweed, which make it a powerful nutritional tool in combating cancer. _____________________________________________________________________
LIFE OVER CANCER - by Keith Block, M.D.
Page 59) One of my earliest breast cancer patients was Maryann, a 44 - year - old chemist and single mother bringing up 3 teenagers when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1983. Maryann refused the radiation, fearing its side effects, but agreed to the 6 cycles of standard chemo. No one on her medical team gave her any nutritional guidelines. Still, she did fine for 3 years. Then a bone scan revealed numerous metastases throughout her rib cage and spine; she was told she had one year to live.
The shock sent Maryann to our clinic. She refused chemo, telling me that earlier rounds had caused vomiting, fatigue, and hair loss.
I laid out a low - fat, high - fiber diet consisting mainly of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, plus foods rich in anti - cancer nutrients such as shiitake mushrooms, sea vegetables, ginger and green tea. Maryann eliminated all dairy, meat, and refined sugars and never looked back. Within weeks, she experienced a major boost in energy and overall well - being. Four months after her first visit, a bone scan showed reduction of cancer in her spine, and scans every few months kept showing reductions or the outright disappearance of metastatic spots on her ribs and spine. Sixteen months in, Maryann appeared to be in complete remission. As I write, 22 years after Maryann walked into our clinic with bone metastases, she remains cancer - free - and still adheres to the cancer - fighting diet.
An important caveat: diet alone should never be regarded as the answer to cancer. We have had a number of patients who ended up at our door after attempting a diet as their only cancer treatment. Although some show improvement, especially in the short term, an experience like Maryann's is more the exception than the rule. Let me again say: combining conventional treatments with complementary therapies in an integrative system buys the best odds for a successful outcome.
For best results, dieticians at the Block Center recommend that patients with advanced cancer lean toward a more vegetarian diet, with the exception of small amounts of fish, egg whites, and supplemental whey. In place of animal protein, add vegetable protein: legumes, soy foods, seitan ("wheat meat"), nuts, and seeds. When you eat fish, limit your serving to a 4 - ounce portion (about the size of the palm of your hand). Emphasize deepwater, northern ocean fish such as salmon, cod, haddock, mackerel, and sardines. By removing meats and most other animal products from your diet, you will keep levels of tumor - sustaining iron, cholesterol, and estradiol in check.
You do not need to learn chemistry to identify foods containing the most powerful phytochemicals: many are plant pigments.
The red - purple color in berries comes from the pigments called anthocyanins. Like lycopene, found in tomatoes, these red - purple berries also contain antioxidants.
Page 112) Since it may be a challenge to get all these anti - cancer compounds from food alone, you may find it easiest to get half or more of your powerfoods in concentrates, mixtures of concentrated juices, or extracts of these foods. To do this, I recommend that you find an organic powerfood concentrate (often called a "green drink") that you enjoy and make it a part of your diet. These "green drinks" are widely available in health stores. Some cancer patients do make their own vegetable juices, but it is hard to get the diversity of foods you need at home.
1.) Carotenoids are red, yellow, and orange plant pigments such as those found in carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, and winter squash. Carotenoids have important anti - cancer properties. For instance, lycopene, which makes tomatoes red, has the ability to inhibit the cancer - promoting growth factor IGF - I.
3.) Allium family vegetables are rich in organosulfides such as allicin, which helps the body remove toxic compounds, including carcinogens, enhance immune function, reduce blood clotting, and lower blood pressure. They include fresh garlic, onions, leeks, scallions, and chives.
5.) Fruits are rich in flavonoids that can enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy. The ellagic acid in raspberry, cranberry, pomegranate, and strawberry extracts, for instance, has been shown to act synergistically with chemotherapy for advanced prostate cancer: a 2005 study found statistically better treatment responses and less treatment - related toxicity for patients receiving ellagic acid along with chemotherapy than for those undergoing chemotherapy alone.
Ellagic acid has also been shown to trigger apoptosis in many types of cancer cells and to curb tumors of the lung, liver, skin, and esophagus in the lab. Good sources of flavonoids include blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, pomegranates, tart cherries, apples and apple skins, and Concord grapes.
Page 114)
7.) Medicinal mushrooms contain compounds that can enhance the effectiveness of chemo while reducing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, as well as suppress metastasis and increase levels of natural killer cells. One type of mushroom compounds, beta - glucans, has been shown to boost the cancer - fighting powers of the immune system's cytotoxic T cells.
Page 115)
8.) Essential fatty acids : There are also plant forms of omega - 3s. While fish oil is generally a more potent anti - inflammatory, the plant omega - 3s can also be useful. Black currant oil contains gamma - linolenic acid (GLA), and ground flaxseeds contain alpha - linolenic acid (ALA), both of which can help reduce inflammation and thus make your internal biochemistry more hostile to cancer cells.
9.) Sea vegetables and algae are excellent sources of minerals, amino acids, and cancer - fighting phytochemicals. Fucoidan, for instance, found in kombu and other seaweeds, can inhibit tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Seaweed phytochemicals can boost the activity and the number of important cancer - fighting immune cells called T - cells and natural killer (NK) cells. It is important to pick sea vegetables from a reputable source that grows them in clear, clean waters, since they can soak up heavy metals. Good choices are chlorella, spirulina, kelp granules or powder, dulse, and mekabu.
- from "Life Over Cancer" by Keith I. Block, M.D.
Dithiolethiones in broccoli, cabbages, kale, and collards trigger the formation of enzymes that block carcinogens from damaging a cell's DNA and inhibit the cellular processes involved in early and late stages of cancer cell production.
Carotenoids in carrots, squash, and yellow peppers inhibit tumor growth and retard the development of cancer cells already exposed to carcinogens.
The popular nutraceuticals glucosamine and chondroitin have finally been accepted by mainstream healthcare providers and are commonly recommended as an adjunct to help maintain cartilage. There is a growing body of new evidence that a radical diet change along with exercise can actually provide a superior alternative to unnecessary, harmful drugs.
Studies funded by industry continue to conclude that foods make no difference in alleviating the symptoms of any type of arthritis. In actuality, quite the opposite has proven to be true. In the few independent studies that have examined the subject, diet has been shown to be of the utmost importance in causing, halting and reversing arthritis. Symptoms of arthritis can be alleviated and often reversed by adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet high in anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant rich foods.
In rheumatoid arthritis, it is likewise crucial to avoid animal proteins and processed foods, known for inciting the damaging immune process that causes the body to destroy its own healthy tissue.
Research shows that certain oils, fish and fresh vegetables were commonly associated with improvements while red meat, white flour and soft drinks aggravated symptoms. A number of recent studies show that adopting a low-fat vegan diet can immediately reduce symptoms of pain, swelling and limited range of motion.
Joel Fuhrman M.D. – a leading proponent of the vegetarian diet – monitored over 500 fasts in a variety of clinical conditions, followed by a vegan diet. He reported in Alternative Therapies journal that fasting can offer both reduction in pain and lower inflammatory markers in patients with autoimmune illnesses, including rheumatoid arthritis. He also found that if the fasting period is extended long enough, a substantial number of patients actually experience total remission of autoimmune symptoms that do not return in about half of the cases.
John McDougall, M.D. has had notable success in treating sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis with the McDougall diet, a vegan diet based in unprocessed plant foods and whole grains. The conclusion of T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.’s China Study is that the people who ate a diet low in animal proteins were the healthiest and lived the longest lives. Correspondingly, in 2002, there was a comparative study done between elderly in China – where the prevailing diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables, rice and other grains and fish – and the U.S. for hip osteoarthritis. The conclusion of the study was that the Chinese experienced hip osteoarthritis 80-90 percent less frequently than Caucasians in the United States.
Gary Null's book "Power Aging" states that arthritis sufferers should focus on juicing. Phytochemicals in organic juices help heal because they rejuvenate the cells and repair damage done to the DNA.
It is important to eliminate foods that create uric acid. Meat is a prime cause of high uric acid levels, and Gary Null recommends vegetarian diets for arthritis patients. Some foods to eat are: tofu, tempeh, and miso which are high in methionine. Foods rich in folic acid such as oats and lentils are good, and avocados and olive oil are also recommended by Gary Null.
- by Gary Null
Pg. 98) Research Establishing the Dietary Connection
In the 1980s, the Arthritis Foundation asserted categorically that there is no special diet for arthritis; that no special food has anything to do with causing it; and no special diet will cure it.
But few researchers today question the likelihood of a dietary component to the disease, and many recent studies have shown a link. There are foods and nutritional supplements that help the condition, and foods and additives that make it worse.
Pg. 99) Arthritis & Dietary Fat
Still other studies link arthritis to diet and fat. In one, complete remissions resulted in 6 patients with rheumatoid arthritis when they changed to a fat - free diet. Symptoms returned within 3 days of ingesting fat, whether in the form of animal fat or vegetable oils. The researchers concluded that dietary fats in amounts normally eaten can cause the inflammatory joint changes seen in rheumatoid arthritis.
Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit documented the cases of 2 obese RA patients who were put on a strict low -fat diet. Symptoms disappeared after only 5 days and were absent for more than a year. Lawrence Power, M.D., who helped develop the diet, explained that the body needs fat to produce the prostaglandins that fuel inflammation. Without this fuel the inflammation subsides. The culprit was found to be not animal fat or any other particular fat in general. After making this discovery, the researchers worked with 30 RA patients and found that 9 out of 10 of them experienced relief by cutting fat from their diets.
In the 1970s, Nathan Pritkin reported similar results with patients with osteoarthritis, following the stringent low -fat diet recommended at his Longetivity Center in Santa Monica, California. One dramatic case involved an 81 - year - old woman who had such severe arthritis in her knee that she could not walk up stairs. After a year on the Pritikin diet, her joint function returned. After 4 years on it, at the age of 85, she won 2 gold medals in a Senior Olympics, one for the mile and race and one for the half mile.
Like the Wayne Sate University researchers, Pritkin thought fat itself was the culprit in RA. It was not even a matter of being overweight, just of eating too much fat. Fat reduces circulation by coating the red blood cells, preventing them from passing through the small blood vessels. Oxygen levels then drop and the immune system is weakened, allowing powerful enzymes to leak into the joint, resulting in RA. Pritkin considered salt to be another culprit, since it causes the tissues to be flooded with water, also reducing circulation. For people with arthritic knees and hips, his program reportedly worked on half of them; and for people with arthritic hands, fingers, and wrists, it worked in 90 percent of them.
Pg. 100) The Good Fats
Many of the beneficial effects of a diet rich in plant foods are the results of its low levels of saturated fat and relatively high levels of EFAs (essential fatty acids). A diet high in saturated fat has been linked to many chronic diseases, while a diet low in saturated fat but high in EFAs has been shown to decrease the pain, inflammation, and limitation of motion of arthritic joints.
Cold - pressed polyunsaturated fats (safflower, sunflower, corn, and other vegetable oils) contain both omega - 6 and omega - 3 EFAs. Omega - 3 is most abundant in flaxseed oil, but soy, pumpkin seed, evening primrose, borage seed, walnut and black current seed oils are also good sources.
Pg. 102) Arthritis & Sugar
Along with the "bad" fats, sugar and refined carbohydrates are high on the list of dietary hazards for arthritics. Overindulgence in sugar can accelerate joint deterioration by exhausting calcium stores, thus weakening bone structure. Excess sugar can also stimulate or aggravate arthritis by inducing hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), a common symptom of which is joint pain.
Pg. 102) General Dietary Recommendations
The first step in joint -healthy nutrition is to eliminate junk food from the diet - including candy, pastries, soft drinks, and white - flour products such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, and white bread.
The best foods for arthritics are whole foods - fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and cold - water fish. "Good " oils are also essential. The omega - 3 fats found in vegetables and fish help nourish joint tissue. The omega - 6 fats in beef, pork, and poultry, on the other hand, produce prostaglandins that can increase the level of inflammation in the joints. Alcohol should be avoided, since it can deplete the body of magnesium and other joint - protective nutrients and impair the liver, thus interfering with proper cartilage formation. Other foods that arthritis specialists recommend cutting down on or omitting include eggs, margarine, shortening, and dairy products, all of which contain saturated fat. Other foods may need to be avoided because of individual sensitivities to them.
Doctors at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston - regarded as the top cancer treatment center in the world - have been researching turmeric for years, and now use it as an adjunct to more conventional treatments. Visit this informative webpage:
Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D., of the MD Anderson Center in Houston, published a comprehensive review of the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin in 1997.
Aggarwal detailed almost 100 different ways curcumin countered inflammation. Consider, for example, that curcumin reduces the activity of pro-inflammatory genes interleukin-6, nuclear factor kappa beta, macrophage inflammatory protein, lipoxygenase, tumor necrosis factor alpha, several types of protein kinases and adhesion molecules - all major drivers of inflammation. To date, no other substance has been discovered with such far-ranging anti-inflammatory effects.
Choose any disease and you'll quickly discover that inflammation is a cause of the disease, or a promoter of the disease, or a way of increasing symptoms.
Curcumin and turmeric extracts have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. It is useful in treating arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. It lowers cholesterol, prevents the oxidation of blood lipids, and inhibits platelet aggregation.
Continuing research indicates that curcumin may prevent every common disease you can think of. There are very few nutrients that have the broad-spectrum effects of curcumin, and it is inexpensive.
WHEATGRASS THERAPYCurcumin and turmeric extracts have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. It is useful in treating arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. It lowers cholesterol, prevents the oxidation of blood lipids, and inhibits platelet aggregation.
Continuing research indicates that curcumin may prevent every common disease you can think of. There are very few nutrients that have the broad-spectrum effects of curcumin, and it is inexpensive.
Wheatgrass Juice: What is wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is the green, growing plant that will eventually become a shaft of wheat.
From the book "Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book": Wheatgrass, the grass grown from wheatberries (wheat seeds), is rich in chlorophyll, a substance nearly identical to the hemoglobin in human blood. Wheatgrass has 60 times more vitamin C than oranges, weight for weight, and 8 times more iron than spinach, weight for weight. The sweet, green juice pressed from young, freshly cut wheat plants contains over 100 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It has all of the 8 essential amino aids, plus 11 other amino acids, polypeptides (amino-acid chains), and the bioflavonoids (compounds related to vitamins) believed to neutralize toxic substances in the blood.
Wheatgrass therapy was developed by Anne Wigmore and is now offered at several independent holistic centers around the country. This nontoxic, noninvasive treatment combines the use of wheatgrass juice with a diet of organically grown, totally raw foods. Emphasis is on sprouted grains, nuts and seeds, fresh uncooked fruits and vegetables, fermented foods (to prevent harmful bacteria from growing in the intestinal tract), and greens such as buckwheat and sunflower. Exercise, aerobics, visualization, attitudinal change, and enemas (including wheatgrass enemas) for detoxification are other key elements of the program.
Hippocrates Health Institute (now the Ann Wigmore Foundation) in Boston. "The body must replace the lost cells with new cancer-free ones." Wheatgrass juice, it is claimed, helps detoxify the body, eliminate dead tissue, and nourish the system. A nutritional program combining wheatgrass and "live" foods (that is, uncooked foods - with enzymes and nutrients undamaged) is said to create optimal immune functioning, enabling the whole organism to reverse cancer.
Wheatgrass therapy has brought about striking recoveries from cancer. Yet many people in the alternative cancer field do not consider it a primary therapy. They believe it might be most useful for early cancers and would recommend it, if at all, as a first-phase detoxification measure. Their feelings are that it might be effective against early, localized tumors but that it is just not strong enough for more advanced forms of cancer.
Studies suggesting how chlorophyll helps heal the body have been done by Tsuneo Kada, director of the Japan Research Center of Genetics. Kada and colleagues demonstrated that the juice of green plants inhibits chromosome damage, which is one of the links in the chain of events leading to cancer. According to Kada, the enzymes in green grasses are efficient at detoxifying the body and neutralizing certain pollutants.
More evidence of green grass's remarkable restorative powers comes from Yasuo Hotta, a biologist with the University of California at San Diego. Hotta isolated a compound from young green barley grasses that reportedly has shown the ability to stimulate the production - and natural repair - of DNA and human sperm cells. This compound has been provisionally named P4D1.
The wheat -sprout extracts also exhibited tumor - destroying action free of the usual toxicity of chemotherapy drugs. Dr. Lai speculated that wheatgrass's antimutagenic activity was due to some of its very minute trace elements (iodine, selenium, copper, arsenic, and platinum) interacting with the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes present.
"We don't cure anything. Instead we offer a lifestyle through which the body can rebuild and heal itself," says Brian Clement, director of the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach Florida. "People who are ill should not ignore what conventional medicine may have to offer. They should also give serious consideration to the evidence which shows that adopting the kind of diet we advocate can reverse disease."
David Sandoval writes in his book "The Green Foods Bible" that the program at Hippocrates Institute involve a diet completely made up of organically grown raw foods, along with fresh wheatgrass juice, and vegetable and fruit juices. Sandoval writes that people who attended the Institute have been completely cured of illnesses that have confounded conventional medicine, including: arthritis, asthma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, fibrocystic breast disease, menstrual problems, chronic sinus congestion, chronic fatigue and more.
From the "Green Foods Bible": Broccoli's good, but broccoli sprouts may be even better. John Hopkins University of Medicine researchers found substantial amounts of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates in broccoli sprouts. These potent inducers of Phase II Liver detoxification enzymes help to protect cells against malignant transformation. Broccoli sprouts contain 10 to 100 times greater concentrations of these enzymes than mature broccoli plants.
Alfalfa sprouts are one of our finest food sources of saponins, which help lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, without affecting levels of "good" cholesterol. Saponins stimulate the immune system by increasing the activity of natural killer cells, including T - lymphocytes and interferon - both major defenses against cancer and infection. - page 138 of the "Green Foods Bible"
Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote about wheatgrass in his book "Juicing Therapy": "The late Anne Wigmore, founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, made raw wheat grass juice famous. She demonstrated that the nutritional effects of "live" raw foods and juices are often accompanied by a powerful reversal of disease and restoration of energy in those who have come to her institute for help." - page 51
Steve Meyerowitz wrote in "Wheat Grass: Nature's Finest Medicine": SOD is a proven anti-inflammatory for arthritis, edema, gout, bursitis, etc. Dr. Kubota of the Science University of Tokyo found two glycol-proteins D1G1 and P4D1 which work alongside with SOD, but are more heat stable. All 3 have anti-inflammatory action that is superior to the much touted aspirin.
Ten senior citizens had their blood levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) tested before and after taking a hydroponically grown wheat supplement. The supplements were manufactured by AgriGenic Food Corp. from the sprouts, a pre - grass stage of growth, using a low temperature process to preserve enzyme activity.
Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote: "Investigative research shows that many modern diseases are linked with nutritional deficiencies. Years of mineral deficiencies, for example, through poor or imbalanced food regimens, invite, encourage, and sustain chronic diseases. Fresh juices help prevent nutrient deficiencies. Juices have exactly the right ingredients for preventing or helping to reverse some diseases."
Dr. Jensen's anti-arthritis drink:
1 tablespoon alfalfa seeds1 pint water
Combine ingredients in a pan and bring to a boil. Let set overnight. Strain. Makes 2 servings
__________________________________________________________________NUTRITIONAL THERAPIES - from the book "OPTIONS: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book"
Pg.141) For decades, the cancer establishment insisted that diet has no effect on cancer. Those who pointed to a link between nutrition and cancer were dismissed as food faddists.
But in 1982, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reversed itself in a 472-page report that said the typical American diet - high in animal protein, saturated fat, and sugar - was strongly associated with the majority of cancers. Long - term eating patterns were linked to the onset of 60 percent of cancers in women and 30 to 40 percent of cancers in men, according to hundreds of medical studies reviewed by the NAS panel. The NAS report set forth dietary guidelines urging drastic decreases in meat, poultry, egg, dairy, and refined-carbohydrate intake, coupled with a greater consumption of whole cereal grains, vegetables, and fruits. In 1984, the American Cancer Society came out of its ivory tower and issued guidelines very similar to those of the NAS. The combined recommendations of these two organizations include the following:
1.) Cut down on total fat intake. Eating less fat reduces the odds of developing breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
2.) Eat more high - fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole - grain cereals. These types of foods help reduce the risk of colon cancer.
3.) Include dark green, red, and orange vegetables and fruits, which are naturally rich in vitamins A and C.
4.) Include cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts since they contain compounds that may help prevent cancer of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.
Diet is additionally listed as a means of "primary cancer prevention" in the 1990 edition of the American Cancer Society Publication "Cancer Facts and Figures."
Hundreds of recovered cancer patients who got well on nutritional therapies are living evidence that diet can help cure cancer. People who brought their cancer into remission on such programs are simply dismissed by the medical orthodoxy as "anecdotal evidence." In the eyes of the ACS, they do not exist.
Most anti - cancer diets share certain features: they are largely vegetarian; they avoid or limit animal products; and they emphasize vegetables; fruits, and whole grains, especially fresh, organically grown foods. Meat is avoided because it has been implicated as a cause of cancer for several reasons. It contains chemical carcinogens, harbors transmittable cancer viruses, lacks fiber, has a high fat content, and has high levels of the hormone prolactin. An example of toxic meat is charcoal - broiled steak, two pounds of which contains as much benzopyrene as the smoke from 600 cigarettes.
"Meat Animals" bred for slaughter on the factory farms that dominate American agriculture are force - fed chemical feed mixtures, injected with synthetic hormones to stimulate growth, and stuffed with appetite stimulants, antibiotics, sedatives, and other chemicals. The toxic residues from these noxious substances are present in your hamburger and pork chop. Many of these substances have been found to be cancer - causing; in fact, many animals die from these drugs before they can be led to slaughter.
Eating meat and animal fats promotes high levels of prolactin, a pituitary hormone that helps to start milk formation and lactation in women. High prolactin levels stimulate mammary tumor growth in animals. When humans switch from a meat diet to a vegetarian diet, their prolactin levels are cut nearly in half.
Meat poultry, dairy products, and eggs provide 100 percent of our dietary cholesterol and antibiotic and hormone additives. These foods are also our primary sources of saturated fats and pesticides. Studies show that by avoiding all meat, eggs, and dairy products, you can cut your risk of a heart attack by 90 percent.
Page 144) Women who eat meat daily get nearly 4 times as much breast cancer as women who eat it less than once a week. A woman's risk of breast cancer rises dramatically with her intake of meat, eggs, butter, and cheese. One out of every 10 American women will develop breast cancer.
Cervical cancer, like breast cancer, is most prevalent among women whose diets are high in fat, particularly animal fat. Uterine cancer shows exactly the same relationship; the more fat a woman eats, the higher her risk.
Colon cancer is also closely correlated worldwide to a diet high in meat and animal fat and low in fiber.
The all - too - common SAD (Standard American Diet) consists of 40 to 45 percent fat, mostly animal fat from meat and other products. The SAD, an unhealthy, cancer - causing diet, features chemically grown, chemically treated, processed, bleached, refined, sugared, salted, artificially colored and flavored, and almost total devitalized "food."
It contains a dangerous amount of protein. A person eating the meat - based SAD gets twice as much protein as he or she needs, even by conservative government standards. Diets with high levels of animal protein and fat are closely correlated with the most prevalent cancers in the United States. Excess protein is also linked to kidney stones, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, and excessive vitamin loses.
Pg. 145) "We're basically a vegetarian species. We should be eating a wide variety of plant foods and minimizing our intake of animals foods. The goal ought to be a diet made up of 80 to 90 percent plant foods, at a minimum," says Dr. Campbell, summarizing the findings of the China Health Project, a massive study undertaken by Cornell University, Oxford University, and two Chinese academies. Begun in 1983, this ongoing research project tracking the eating habits of 6,500 Chinese is the most comprehensive and rigorous study ever done on the relationship between diet and health. Participants who ate the most meat and cholesterol had the highest rates of cancer. The ideal percentage of fat intake was found to be 15 to 20 percent, perhaps less, NOT the 25 to 30 percent of all calories now recommended by the United States government - agribusiness complex. The study also confirmed that eating a lot of protein, especially animal protein, is closely linked to cancer and chronic diseases.
Pg. 146) In a study released by the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, vegetarians were found to have a more active immune system, with their white blood cells twice as effective against tumor cells as those of meat - eaters. The researchers surmised that either vegetarians harbor more natural killer (NK) cells to attack cancer cells or their NK cells are simply more powerful. The vegetarians in the study also had higher blood levels of carotene, the precursor of vitamin A, known to have antitumor properties.
- from "OPTIONS: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book" - by Richard Walters
VITAMIN C - A POWERFUL CANCER FIGHTEROur good friend vitamin C is a powerful ally in the fight against cancer. Taking vitamin C is believed to reduce your chances of getting cancer of the stomach, esophagus, colon, bladder, cervix, uterus and breast.
Vitamin C has been used to help cure a percentage of advance -stage cancer patients in controlled clinical studies. It also prevents cancer by strengthening the body's immune system, and vitamin C makes it more difficult for cancer cells to spread by strengthening the intercellular material that holds tissue cells together.
Linus Pauling, two - time Nobel laureate, stated that a high dosage of vitamin C can benefit all cancer patients.Gary Null writes in his book "No More Cancer" that vitamin C is the prime nutrient for the overall support of the immune system.
Gary Null states that most people can tolerate up to 12 g daily of vitamin C, dividing this dose throughout the day. For best results, patients also need intravenous vitamin C drips. Research shows this method has the greatest healing effects because more of the vitamin can be tolerated.
Recent studies have shown that vitamin C kills tumor cells without interfering with the effectiveness of chemotherapy. - from "No More Cancer" - by Gary Null
From the book "How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine"
Page 163) Perhaps the most controversial use of vitamin C supplementation is in the treatment of cancer. In 1976, Linus Pauling, a two - time Nobel Prize winner (1954 Chemistry; 1962 Peace), brought vitamin C into the limelight by reporting the results of a groundbreaking study. Pauling and his colleague Ewan Cameron gave 100 terminally ill cancer patients 10 g of vitamin C per day. Sixteen of these patients survived more than one year. Such results may not seem significant - until you realize that in the control group (1,000 terminally ill patients who did not receive vitamin C), only 3 survived at least a year. Thus the survival rate with vitamin C was 16 percent among treated patients, compared with just 0.3 percent of those who did not get treatment. Another way of stating the results is that the survival rate was 53 times higher among the vitamin C group.
These studies had some flaws. They were not double - blind (that is, they were not set up so as to prevent the researchers and the patients from knowing who was getting vitamin C). Since the patients knew the purpose of the experiment, a placebo response might have affected the results. Other scientists who later conducted double - blind studies to test (some say disprove) Pauling's contentions have not found that vitamin C is better than a placebo.
EAT for HEALTH - by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Cancer & Meat
Page 138) Red meat and processed meats contain more saturated fat and trans fat than other animal products, and are the poorest food choices. However, the fat issue does not tell the whole story. Scientific studies have documented that red meat has a much more pronounced association with colon cancer and pancreatic cancer compared with other animal products.
The consumption of red meat and processed meats on a regular basis more than doubles the risk of some cancers. Even ingesting a small amount of red meat, such as 2 to 3 ounces a day, has been shown to significantly increase the risk of cancer.
Toxic nitrogenous compounds (called N - nitroso compounds) occur in larger concentrations in red and processed meats. Red meat also has high heme content. Heme is an iron - carrying protein, and it has been shown to have destructive effects on the cells lining our digestive tract. Processed meat, luncheon meat, barbecued meat, and red meat must not be a regular part of your diet if you are looking to maintain excellent health into your later years of life.
Page 134) Saturated fat comes from many food sources, including processed foods, meat, cheese, and other animal products. Thousands of scientific research studies demonstrate that saturated fat promotes both heart disease and cancer and powerfully raises cholesterol. However, the avoidance of all fat is not the secret to protecting your heart. The secret is avoiding saturated fat, trans fats and processed oils. These fats do not contain the fat - binding sterols, phytonutrients and antioxidants present in whole plant foods. When people eat high - glycemic processed foods along with animal fats and low - nutrient oils, it leads to cardiovascular disease, depresses the immune system and increases the risk of cancer.
1.) JOINT REGENERATION THERAPY - Nonsurgical Treatment for Arthritis
2.) PROLOTHERAPY - Nonsurgical Treatment for Arthritis
3.) HIPPOCRATES HEALTH INSTITUTE: Reversing Arthritis Testimonials
4.) REBOOT WITH JOE: Food Remedies for Health Conditions
7.) A NEW 29-YEAR STUDY of 12,168 PEOPLE: Latest Nail in the Coffin for Meaty Diets
9.) ARTHRITIS & PARASITES - Parasites can cause arthritis
10.) REVERSING CANCER WITH a VEGAN DIET ! - Video by Michael Gregor, M.D.
Benefits of Flaxseed
Page 81) In addition to a diet that features fish, eating ground flaxseed and supplementing the diet with flaxseed oil appear to offer significant protection against breast cancer for a couple of reasons.
First of all, flaxseed oil contains nearly twice the level of omega-3 fatty acids as fish oils, although it is the smaller - chain alpha - linolenic acid rather than the longer - chain fats like EPA and DHA. Data derived from autopsies of adipose breast tissue at the time of diagnosis from women with breast cancer compared with benign breast disease indicated that the relative risk of breast cancer for women in the highest breast tissue level of alpha - linolenic acid level was 64 percent less compared with those in the lowest level. In another study, the higher the level of alpha - linolenic acid in breast tissue, the less likely the cancer was to spread into the lymph nodes of the armpit or to be invasive.
The second reason is that, besides containing high doses of alpha - linolenic acid, flaxseed and flaxseed oil are the most abundant sources of lignans. These components are fiber compounds that can bind to estrogen receptors and interfere with the cancer - promoting effects of estrogen on breast tissue. Lignans also increase the production of a compound known as sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This protein regulates estrogen levels by escorting excess estrogen from the body.
Ground flaxseed provides more nutritional benefits than does whole seed. That's because flaxseed is very hard, making it difficult to crack, even with careful chewing. But flaxseed is easy to grind in a coffee grinder, food processor, or blender. You can also buy FortiFlax from Barlean's at your local health food store.
- from "How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine" - by Dr. Michael Murray, Dr. Tim Birdsall, Dr. Joseph E. Pizzorno, Dr. Paul Reilly
Benefits of Curcumin
Page 173) Curcumin is the yellow pigment of turmeric (Curcuma longa), the chief ingredient in curry. In experimental and clinical studies, curcumin has demonstrated significant anti - inflammatory and anticancer effects.
Benefits of Curcumin
Page 173) Curcumin is the yellow pigment of turmeric (Curcuma longa), the chief ingredient in curry. In experimental and clinical studies, curcumin has demonstrated significant anti - inflammatory and anticancer effects.
The benefits of turmeric and curcumin have been demonstrated at all stages of cancer formation: initiation, promotion, and progression. Evidence also suggests that curcumin causes cancer to regress - that is, to grow smaller. Some of curcumin's benefits come from its known activity as an antioxidant. Curcumin also
1.) inhibits the formation of cancer - causing nitrosamines
2.) enhances the body's production of cancer - fighting compounds such as glutathione
3.) promotes the liver's proper detoxification of cancer - causing compounds
4.) prevents overproduction of cyclooxygenase 2 (cox - 2), an enzyme that can contribute to the development of tumors
Curcumin has also been shown to inhibit tumor growth in several ways:
1.) Inhibiting epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor sites. EGF stimulates cells to proliferate by connecting to a receptor on the cell surface. About two - thirds of all cancers produce an abundance of these receptors, which make them highly sensitive to EGF. By reducing the number of EGF receptors, curcumin decreases the cell's tendency to proliferate.
1.) inhibits the formation of cancer - causing nitrosamines
2.) enhances the body's production of cancer - fighting compounds such as glutathione
3.) promotes the liver's proper detoxification of cancer - causing compounds
4.) prevents overproduction of cyclooxygenase 2 (cox - 2), an enzyme that can contribute to the development of tumors
Curcumin has also been shown to inhibit tumor growth in several ways:
1.) Inhibiting epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor sites. EGF stimulates cells to proliferate by connecting to a receptor on the cell surface. About two - thirds of all cancers produce an abundance of these receptors, which make them highly sensitive to EGF. By reducing the number of EGF receptors, curcumin decreases the cell's tendency to proliferate.
2.) Inhibiting angiogenesis. Fibroblast growth actor is a protein that promotes the formation of new blood vessels to feed the growing tumor. Curcumin inhibits production of this growth factor.
3.) Inhibiting nuclear factor kappa beta (NF - kb). This is a protein that many cancers produce to block the signals commanding it to stop proliferating.
4.) Increasing the expression of the nuclear p53 protein. This protein is essential for apoptosis, the normal process of cell "suicide."
5.) Inhibiting growth - promoting enzymes.
Experimental (test - tube) studies have found that curcumin fights tumors arising from prostate, breast, skin, colon, stomach, and liver cancers. These benefits have also been seen in a human study involving 62 patients who had either ulcerating oral cancer or skin cancer and who had not responded to the standard treatments.
Page 175) Patients received either an ethanol extract of turmeric (for oral cancers) or an ointment containing 0.5 percent curumin in petroleum jelly. The ointment or extract was applied to the affected area 3 times daily. After 18 months, the treatment had effectively reduced the smell of the lesion (90 percent), itching and oozing (70 percent), pain (50 percent), an the size of the lesion (10 percent). These may not seem spectacular - but remember, standard treatments had not worked for these patients.
5.) Inhibiting growth - promoting enzymes.
Experimental (test - tube) studies have found that curcumin fights tumors arising from prostate, breast, skin, colon, stomach, and liver cancers. These benefits have also been seen in a human study involving 62 patients who had either ulcerating oral cancer or skin cancer and who had not responded to the standard treatments.
Page 175) Patients received either an ethanol extract of turmeric (for oral cancers) or an ointment containing 0.5 percent curumin in petroleum jelly. The ointment or extract was applied to the affected area 3 times daily. After 18 months, the treatment had effectively reduced the smell of the lesion (90 percent), itching and oozing (70 percent), pain (50 percent), an the size of the lesion (10 percent). These may not seem spectacular - but remember, standard treatments had not worked for these patients.
What forms of cancer can be treated with curcumin?
Curcumin appears to be useful in virtually all types of cancer, because of its fundamental mechanism of actions against cancer progression. In particular, preliminary studies suggest that curcumin is likely to inhibit prostate, breast, skin, colon, stomach, and liver cancers and is suitable for use in conjunction with chemotherapy.What is the proper dosage for curcumin?
The recommended dosage for curcumin is 200 to 400 mg one to 3 times a day. The body does not absorb curcumin all that well. To enhance absorption we recommend taking curcumin along with proteolytic enzymes. This combination is best taken on an empty stomach 15 to 20 minutes before meals or between meals.
Is curcumin safe?
Curcumin has an excellent safety profile.
- from "How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine" - by Dr. Michael Murray, Dr. Tim Birdsall, Dr. Joseph E. Pizzorno, Dr. Paul Reilly
THE CURE for ALL CANCERS - by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.
Page 1) In this book you will see that all cancers are alike. They are all caused by a parasite. A single parasite. It is the human intestinal fluke. And if you kill this parasite, the cancer stops immediately. The tissue becomes normal again. In order to get cancer, you must have this parasite.
How can the human intestinal fluke cause cancer? This parasite typically lives in the intestine where it might do little harm, causing only colitis, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome, or perhaps nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the uterus or kidneys or liver, it does a great deal of harm. If it establishes itself in the liver, it causes cancer!
Page 2) To understand cancer you should understand the basic facts about the human intestinal fluke. It's scientific name is Fasciolopsis buskii. Fluke means "flat," and flukes are one of the families of flatworms.
Page 5) Flukes & Propyl Alcohol
But something special happens to people who have propyl alcohol in their bodies. The liver is unable to trap and kill these tiny fluke stages. These baby - stages can actually make their home in the liver and other tissues. It is as if the immune system has no power to kill them. The flukes begin to multiply in people with propyl alcohol in their bodies! The miracidia (hatchlings) start to make little balls inside themselves called redia. But each redia is alive!
This parasite is laying eggs and producing millions of redia right in your body! In your cervix or lungs, wherever your cancer is growing!
These redia are swept along in your blood, landing in whatever tissue lets them in. Smokers' lungs, breasts with benign lumps, prostate glands full of heavy metals are examples of tissues that give the redia their landing permits. Multiplying continues at a hectic pace, generation after generation. Redia are nesting in the liver and other organs. Suddenly they change their shape. They sprout a tail and can swim again. Now they are called cercaria.
Page 8) Now You Have Cancer
Unless you act quickly to kill this parasite spawning machine, it will take over your body. Why is this parasite multiplying feverishly in your organs instead of living quietly in your intestine? Because having propyl alcohol in your body allows its development outside of the intestine.
Page 11) Yet three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And without so much as a headache! Without nausea! Without any interference with any drug you are already on!
Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be true? They are nature's gift to us. These 3 herbs are:
1.) Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree)
2.) Wormwood (from the Artemesia shrub)
3.) Common Cloves (from the clove tree)
These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and development stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. They must be used together as a single treatment.
Page 19) What you'll need to kill the cancer - causing intestinal fluke in the first 5 days, followed by the remaining parasites in another two weeks, are:
1.) Black Walnut tincture, an alcohol extract of the green hull
(for a alcoholics, a water recipe is also given)
2.) Wormwood combination in capsules
3.) Cloves, fresh ground, together with size 00 empty capsules
4.) Ornithine, 500 mg
5.) Arginine, 500 mg
There are no side effects as you can see from the case histories.
Page11) I have seen that eczema is due to roundworms. Seizures are caused by a single roundworm, Ascaris, getting into the brain. Schizophrenia and depression are caused by parasites in the brain. Asthma is caused by Ascaris in the lungs. Diabetes is caused by the pancreatic fluke of cattle, Eurytrema. Migraines are caused by the threadworm, Strongyloides. Much human heart disease is caused by dog heartworm, Dirofilaria, and the list goes on.
Is curcumin safe?
Curcumin has an excellent safety profile.
- from "How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine" - by Dr. Michael Murray, Dr. Tim Birdsall, Dr. Joseph E. Pizzorno, Dr. Paul Reilly
THE CURE for ALL CANCERS - by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.
Page 1) In this book you will see that all cancers are alike. They are all caused by a parasite. A single parasite. It is the human intestinal fluke. And if you kill this parasite, the cancer stops immediately. The tissue becomes normal again. In order to get cancer, you must have this parasite.
How can the human intestinal fluke cause cancer? This parasite typically lives in the intestine where it might do little harm, causing only colitis, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome, or perhaps nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the uterus or kidneys or liver, it does a great deal of harm. If it establishes itself in the liver, it causes cancer!
Page 2) To understand cancer you should understand the basic facts about the human intestinal fluke. It's scientific name is Fasciolopsis buskii. Fluke means "flat," and flukes are one of the families of flatworms.
Page 5) Flukes & Propyl Alcohol
But something special happens to people who have propyl alcohol in their bodies. The liver is unable to trap and kill these tiny fluke stages. These baby - stages can actually make their home in the liver and other tissues. It is as if the immune system has no power to kill them. The flukes begin to multiply in people with propyl alcohol in their bodies! The miracidia (hatchlings) start to make little balls inside themselves called redia. But each redia is alive!
This parasite is laying eggs and producing millions of redia right in your body! In your cervix or lungs, wherever your cancer is growing!
These redia are swept along in your blood, landing in whatever tissue lets them in. Smokers' lungs, breasts with benign lumps, prostate glands full of heavy metals are examples of tissues that give the redia their landing permits. Multiplying continues at a hectic pace, generation after generation. Redia are nesting in the liver and other organs. Suddenly they change their shape. They sprout a tail and can swim again. Now they are called cercaria.
Page 8) Now You Have Cancer
Unless you act quickly to kill this parasite spawning machine, it will take over your body. Why is this parasite multiplying feverishly in your organs instead of living quietly in your intestine? Because having propyl alcohol in your body allows its development outside of the intestine.
Page 11) Yet three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And without so much as a headache! Without nausea! Without any interference with any drug you are already on!
Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be true? They are nature's gift to us. These 3 herbs are:
1.) Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree)
2.) Wormwood (from the Artemesia shrub)
3.) Common Cloves (from the clove tree)
These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and development stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. They must be used together as a single treatment.
Page 19) What you'll need to kill the cancer - causing intestinal fluke in the first 5 days, followed by the remaining parasites in another two weeks, are:
1.) Black Walnut tincture, an alcohol extract of the green hull
(for a alcoholics, a water recipe is also given)
2.) Wormwood combination in capsules
3.) Cloves, fresh ground, together with size 00 empty capsules
4.) Ornithine, 500 mg
5.) Arginine, 500 mg
There are no side effects as you can see from the case histories.
Page11) I have seen that eczema is due to roundworms. Seizures are caused by a single roundworm, Ascaris, getting into the brain. Schizophrenia and depression are caused by parasites in the brain. Asthma is caused by Ascaris in the lungs. Diabetes is caused by the pancreatic fluke of cattle, Eurytrema. Migraines are caused by the threadworm, Strongyloides. Much human heart disease is caused by dog heartworm, Dirofilaria, and the list goes on.
- from "THE CURE for ALL CANCERS" - by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.
About Dr. Jensen
Beginning his career as a chiropractor in 1929, Dr. Bernard Jensen soon turned to the art of nutrition in search of remedies for his own health problems. He traveled to over 50 countries, to study the lifestyles of the different cultures in an effort to understand the principles of long and healthy living. He visited Russia where he studied the long-lived people. Dr. Jensen journeyed to New Zealand several times, stayed at Sri Aurobindo’s Ashram in India and visited Sai Baba, one of the great masters of India. He met with the Dalai Lama and recently stayed with the King of Hunza Valley. Many of the spas and nature cure sanitariums in Europe were visited. Many constructive ideas were brought back to develop the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in 1955. It was a place for his patients and guests to come and learn how to live a healthy life.
Hidden Valley Health Ranch served as a retreat for people from all over the world. The Kneipp water baths from Worishofen, Germany were established; the organic garden provided 60% of the meals served; lectures and demonstrations were given and the summer classes became a main attraction. Doctor Jensen concluded that the long-lived people live a simple life, in a moderate temperature, eat unprocessed foods, no fried foods, little meat, live a serene, contented life, maintain good posture and consistently live close to where the soil is black. Doctor Jensen believes humanity needs a formula for living successfully, healthfully and peacefully. He combines the elements of the physical, mental and spiritual in teaching people how to live..
Dr. Bernard Jensen died Feb 25, 2001, at the age of 93.
About Dr. Jensen
Beginning his career as a chiropractor in 1929, Dr. Bernard Jensen soon turned to the art of nutrition in search of remedies for his own health problems. He traveled to over 50 countries, to study the lifestyles of the different cultures in an effort to understand the principles of long and healthy living. He visited Russia where he studied the long-lived people. Dr. Jensen journeyed to New Zealand several times, stayed at Sri Aurobindo’s Ashram in India and visited Sai Baba, one of the great masters of India. He met with the Dalai Lama and recently stayed with the King of Hunza Valley. Many of the spas and nature cure sanitariums in Europe were visited. Many constructive ideas were brought back to develop the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in 1955. It was a place for his patients and guests to come and learn how to live a healthy life.
Hidden Valley Health Ranch served as a retreat for people from all over the world. The Kneipp water baths from Worishofen, Germany were established; the organic garden provided 60% of the meals served; lectures and demonstrations were given and the summer classes became a main attraction. Doctor Jensen concluded that the long-lived people live a simple life, in a moderate temperature, eat unprocessed foods, no fried foods, little meat, live a serene, contented life, maintain good posture and consistently live close to where the soil is black. Doctor Jensen believes humanity needs a formula for living successfully, healthfully and peacefully. He combines the elements of the physical, mental and spiritual in teaching people how to live..
Dr. Bernard Jensen died Feb 25, 2001, at the age of 93.
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